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cos'è un fire horn?

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  • cos'è un fire horn?

    ciao a tutti, ho trovato una specie di conchiglia a spirale che si chiama fire horn in un formicone, è arancione, si chiama fire horn, se ci clicco sopra mi dice che non ho abbastanza solphorous ash, che cos'è? ^^ grazie a tutti e scusate il disturbo!

    un thx a phantom per la signa *_*

  • #2
    Da Stratics:

    A fire horn is a weapon that can only be used by bards.
    It works as a kind of area effect fire damage spell.
    The more points you have in the 4 bard skills, the more damage you will inflict.
    Using a fire horn requires at least 52.6 Musicianship skill.
    Using a fire horn will use up 4 Sulfurous Ash.
    You have to be within 3 tiles of your target to use a fire horn.
    When you use a fire horn there is a small delay until you can use it again.
    Each time you use a fire horn there is a 1% chance that it will break.
    When used against another player the fire horn will do less damage than against a monster.


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