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Problem gaining parry (have bushido)

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  • Problem gaining parry (have bushido)

    Can someone help me with that problem, i have new char with bushido and i want to train parry ,but i don't gain even 0,1 .I remember that it was working with evasion ,but now evasion is different and i can't gain any skillpoints in parry.Thank you in advance

  • #2
    if you have bushido you cannot train or get parry rise

    you must set bushido to 0, train parry than train bushido again


    • #3
      Well...i must disagree with rosinella.

      In the beginning i thought that this was true, but 2 days ago i became gm parry (and i have bushido 31).

      What i did? Equipped with a cheap chain armor (with shield and no weapon, peace mode), ganked by 3 cats.

      Nothing less nothing more.
      Edain il marmista ed Hieronimous lo scriba

      Lavori su ordinazione, offertissime!


      • #4
        kiro i hope McTombin is right


        • #5
          if you have high parry you shouldn't use a shield... use 2handed weapon instead.
          you should use a weapon with low skill (e.g. if you are macer use sword/fencing weapon) so you will be hit often


          • #6
            thank u for the answer's ,i really hope McTombin i right i remember gaining parry in demise server ,there i had to cast evasion to start gaining but here it doesn't work ,i'll try again ( if i have to drop bushido to 0 and rise it again every time i want to put more points in parry maybe it's better to delete ultima again )


            • #7
              if you have bushido just drop your shield... samurai don't use shield they parry using weapons


              • #8
                you can better gain in parry or whit bushido 0 and shield equipped or is very better if you before rise bushido over 90 and after you rise parry whit two-handed weapon.

                PG on UOD: Tenaka Khan, Jarlaxle, Hyou of Gemmy, AzraeL, O-Ren Ishii
                ICQ 311178109
                Che si vinca o che si perda: FAIR PLAY


                • #9
                  kiro85 i'm sorry for my suggestion

                  donde is right, if you got bushido you can raise parry with a 2handed weapon


                  • #10
                    thank you again i foun a way to rise the sill don't know why it didn't work before
                    hf all


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