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[ML QUESTION]Is the ML quest sistem ready ?

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  • [ML QUESTION]Is the ML quest sistem ready ?

    Excuse me for the Question but i was looking for information in the international forum ... and didn;t found anything. And becouse most of the information is in italian i wanted to ask about explenation .. so, Is the ML Quest sistem and new Boss monsters ready .. i wonder are we going to enjoy it soon in UODreams? Actualy I think that me ano some of the other forign playrs need information like that. I'll be glad if someone explain in english what is going on Thank you in advance. And excuse me if posting in english out of the forign playrs forum has insolted someone. Again Thank you !

    I Speak only English , Thank you !

  • #2
    The ML Quest System is starting to be loaded on our shard. You can enjoy only Paroxymus' Palace for now...but take it easy , the staff is working hard to finish the work as soon as posible.
    ICQ: 393653956

    Gingillo's Desing.
    Lord_Of_Cove è un uomo irregolare.


    • #3
      GM are adding ML step by step... in the elf city Heartwood you can find some new quest, and a new dungeon in the lost land (trammel/felucca)... ML is a huge work and our staff is working all day and all night long... Gm themselves aren't loquacios about ML because player's request are boring :P

      even in italian a lot of information misses... but as I said before, step by step ML will be implemented...

      (sorry for my bad english...)


      • #4
        Thank You! That's a great news, but can u get to heartwood ? Where's its location. I read stratics about the quests, dungeons and craftable arts but i couldnt fid info about Heartwood can someone provide such an information for me I'll be thankfull
        Thank You again! (and by the way your english is not bad at all)

        I Speak only English , Thank you !


        • #5
          Yew - center of the city (not near the gate)


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