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[domanda] bod...

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  • [domanda] bod...

    i famosi bod per ritirare i kit barbed come sono? dal sito ho capito ke devono essere large minimo da 5 pezzi ex. da fare in pelle .....
    ho questo:

    Large Bulk Order
    item exceptional
    amount to make 20
    feathered hat
    e altri 4 cosi..(nello stesso bod)

    e qusto:

    large bulk order
    item exceptional
    ammount to make 20
    studdet gorget
    e altri 4 così....(nello stesso bod)

    ke sono da barbed?
    -se si ..... EVVAI !!!
    -se no ..... come devono essere che non ho capito?
    Originariamente inviato da fnurov
    subscribe lol

  • #2
    ..... dai ke lo sapete
    Originariamente inviato da fnurov
    subscribe lol


    • #3
      guarda che c'è la tabella perfetta nel sito che ti spiega quali sono i premi dei bod
      inoltre c'è un thread dove ti dice quali bod son x il kit
      ICQ 159485801


      • #4

        Exe 20 Spined Leather Cap
        Exe 20 Spined Leather Tunic
        Exe 20 Spined Leather Sleeves
        Exe 20 Spined Leather Leggins
        Exe 20 Spined Leather Gorget
        Exe 20 Spined Leather Gloves

        Exe 10/15/20 Horned Leather Cap
        Exe 10/15/20 Horned Leather Tunic
        Exe 10/15/20 Horned Leather Sleeves
        Exe 10/15/20 Horned Leather Gorget
        Exe 10/15/20 Horned Leather Leggins
        Exe 10/15/20 Horned Leather Gloves

        Exe 10/15/20 Barbed Leather Cap
        Exe 10/15/20 Barbed Leather Tunic
        Exe 10/15/20 Barbed Leather Sleeves
        Exe 10/15/20 Barbed Leather Gorget
        Exe 10/15/20 Barbed Leather Leggins
        Exe 10/15/20 Barbed Leather Gloves

        Exe 20 Barbed Studded Gorget
        Exe 20 Barbed Studded Tunic
        Exe 20 Barbed Studded Leggins
        Exe 20 Barbed Studded Sleeves
        Exe 20 Barbed Studded Gloves


        Exe 20 Spined Leather Skirt
        Exe 20 Spined Leather Shorts
        Exe 20 Spined Leather Bustier
        Exe 20 Spined Female L. Armor
        Exe 20 Spined Studded Bustier
        Exe 20 Spined Studded Armor

        Exe 10/15/20 Horned Leather Skirt
        Exe 10/15/20 Horned Leather Shorts
        Exe 10/15/20 Horned Leather Bustier
        Exe 10/15/20 Horned Female L. Armor
        Exe 10/15/20 Horned Studded Bustier
        Exe 10/15/20 Horned Studded Armor

        Exe 10/15/20 Barbed Leather Skirt
        Exe 10/15/20 Barbed Leather Shorts
        Exe 10/15/20 Barbed Leather Bustier
        Exe 10/15/20 Barbed Female L. Armor
        Exe 10/15/20 Barbed Studded Bustier
        Exe 10/15/20 Barbed Studded Armor

        BONE ARMOR:

        Exe 20 Barbed Bone Armor
        Exe 20 Barbed Bone Leggins
        Exe 20 Barbed Bone Gloves
        Exe 20 Barbed Bone Helmet
        Exe 20 Barbed Bone Arms
        ICQ: 393653956

        Gingillo's Desing.
        Lord_Of_Cove è un uomo irregolare.


        • #5
          ma pezzo unico?
          ad esempio:

          studdet bustier

          o large con tutta l'armor?
          Originariamente inviato da fnurov
          subscribe lol


          • #6
            devi avere un large da 6 come quelli descritti sopra e poi i 6 small richiesti nel large cioè filli i 6 small poi li metti nel large e lo consegni in questo modo ti da' barded ^_^

            tnx a Koshiro per la sign ^^
            [QUOTE]Originally posted by [B]Gatsu[/]


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