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Lockpicking over 95 skill

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  • Lockpicking over 95 skill

    I was looking in forum for answer, but I dont speak Italian and it was dificult to me.
    Can anyone tell me how can I gain lockpicking over 95 since Faction trick is turned off.
    I was looking in dungeon for some 'good' chests - nothing.
    Tinkered chestes wont't work for gains.
    Any ideas ? maybe paragon chest ? or digged up chests ?
    ICQ Number: 196-465-798

  • #2
    you can gain lockpiking over 95 only with paragon chest, the chest must be over level 3, or you can try to open the chest of the prisoners.
    Ultima modifica di Calca123; 15-02-2007, 12:23.


    • #3
      Me and my friend tried to gain lockpick over 95.0 (I'm helping him). he opened some of good lvl paragon chests, without any gains. I went to mark runes for prisoners, but when I tried to unlock the chest with unlock spell, 'click' I opened it at first try...
      to training lockpick over 95.0 he need 3-4 lvl chests, it's little hard to get these (a alot of chests...), and when finally we have this... no gains :<
      in my opinion:
      gaining at paragon chests - yhm...
      gaining at digged up chest - yhm...
      gaining at prisoners chests (this camps with orcs / ratmans) - chests are too low lvl (1-2lvl)
      "Unlock •• Good for characters without lock picking for unlocking magic locked or level 1 to 2 treasure chests. Success on treasure chests depends on the magery skill. Is also the counter for the "Magic Lock" spell. " (stratics, and experience with my mage today)

      So, how can we gain now this skill ? 5% skill = 50 gains, we can get maybe 1 gain from 10 chests (?), 500 chests ? Can someone from staff tell something about this... maybe some special chests in dungeons (only lvl 3-4)? (I saw it at one shard, these chest were red, so no problem to see which one in dungeon is good lvl)

      ps. now this skill is harder in training than taming, that's my opinion, but I could be wrong
      ICQ Number: 196-465-798


      • #4
        On stratics they say that to reach GM from 95 you have to hit dungeons' chests...
        But since they're not implemented here on UOD (or better they're empty and unlocked) I think you're (me too since I'm building a tresure hunter for fun) stuck...


        • #5
          Dungeon chests are missing on our shard since the beginning of times. We should politely ask to the shard scripters to please raise the priority of this lack over other secondary aspects. Perhaps, in a first step, by just implementing empty but closed chests with different difficulty levels.

          In the past, people were used to skill their lockpickers from 95 to GM by entering a faction, falling in skill loss and macroing for 20 minutes with lower level chests. Another way was to use a +5 skill bonus offered to (I don't remember exactly) premium user when invited by a friend: this friend received a special +5 skill scroll as reward, allowing you to raise an arbitrary skill by 5 points (this scroll wasn't a 105, but a real +5 points).
          Nihil est - il Male [-OB-]


          • #6
            So, can we ask for making locked chests (3-4lvl, with nothing inside) in dungeons, please From my info, it's not hard to do
            ICQ Number: 196-465-798


            • #7
              I can't to do this skill too, i have 95 and no more. I try with paragon chest, i can't find closed chest in dungeons Maybe somebody from Server Staff or Scripter can help us or do something ?? Thx and good luck. If something change on server please somebody to write massage on this thread.


              • #8
                chiedo anche io ai gm quali sono gli altri modi per gainare dopo il 95.0 visto che neanche i miei amici ci riescono, paragon chest non va, prisoners nemmeno, e gli altri a seguire...
                Slyon su Lost Paradise.
                Downfall, and it all falls down
                I fall from grace I got your taste

                Turn off your mind, unwind
                and see how high the cloudy sky

                Run away Run away
                Leave your lemon drop

                Soak it up Soak it up
                Won't you crush on me
                Boom Boom Satellites - Shut up and Explode | In cerca di un nuovo passatempo.


                • #9
                  Drael, can you write your post in english, pls Because babelfish translation is not good:
                  "I ask also GM which I am the other ways for gainare after the 95,0 inasmuch as neanche my friends succeed to us, paragon chest I do not go, prisoners not even, and the others to follow..." (Drael post translation)

                  You mean, that you can't gain in lockpicking too ? (over 95)
                  ICQ Number: 196-465-798


                  • #10
                    he asks to Gm how to train lockpick over 95.0 because nothing seem to be useful...
                    (i'm not shure i wrote in correct english :P)


                    • #11
                      Vorrei sapere, il metodo delle fazioni funziona ancora o non funziona? C'è in pratica io dovrei fazionarmi, farmi killare, perdere punti skill, e macrare, ma siete sicuri ke funziona? io provo...


                      • #12
                        Originariamente inviato da kaldhun Visualizza il messaggio
                        Vorrei sapere, il metodo delle fazioni funziona ancora o non funziona? C'è in pratica io dovrei fazionarmi, farmi killare, perdere punti skill, e macrare, ma siete sicuri ke funziona? io provo...
                        mi pare che questo metodo non funziona più.

                        for everyone: try to do page in game to speak with a gm

                        #.special thanks to Shun *_*
                        Artu [NeT] - Xena [NeT] e [SwaT] - Uther Pendragon [Acid] e [SxS]... is back on XxX!


                        • #13
                          Originariamente inviato da Drael Visualizza il messaggio
                          chiedo anche io ai gm quali sono gli altri modi per gainare dopo il 95.0 visto che neanche i miei amici ci riescono, paragon chest non va, prisoners nemmeno, e gli altri a seguire...
                          non sono un GM ma ti posso dire che gli unici 2 modi sono aprire casse paragon o aprire casse dei prigionieri....le prime vanno bene ma ovviamente non credo tu ne abbia molte, mentre le seconde spawnano di continuo....
                          io sono arrivato a 100 con il giro prigionieri e tantiiiiiiiiissima pazienza (c'e' stato pure un momento che si era inchiodata....non ne voleva sapere di salire....vabbuo'....perseverare e' stato l'unico rimedio)

                          Originariamente inviato da kaldhun Visualizza il messaggio
                          Vorrei sapere, il metodo delle fazioni funziona ancora o non funziona? C'è in pratica io dovrei fazionarmi, farmi killare, perdere punti skill, e macrare, ma siete sicuri ke funziona? io provo...
                          funzionava un tempo....ora non piu'...sorry


                          • #14
                            (english version)
                            So you say that I can get up to 100 with prisoner chests ? I can try this... last time when I tried prisoner chest I get 0 skill gain from about 10 chest, 3-5 attempts at each one.
                            Need to check this now, maybe they changed something ?

                            (translated by Babelfish)
                            Così dite che posso alzarsi a 100 con le casse del prigioniero? Posso provare questo... l'ultima volta quando ho provato la cassa che del prigioniero ottengo 0 guadagni di abilità dalla cassa circa 10, 3-5 tento a ogni. Debba ora controllare questo, forse ha cambiato qualcosa?
                            ICQ Number: 196-465-798


                            • #15
                              Originariamente inviato da zypel Visualizza il messaggio
                              (english version)
                              So you say that I can get up to 100 with prisoner chests ? I can try this... last time when I tried prisoner chest I get 0 skill gain from about 10 chest, 3-5 attempts at each one.
                              Need to check this now, maybe they changed something ?
                              I have reached 100 with prisoners chests...maybe it is sometimes slow, but this is the only useful method (who has hundred paragon chests?)


                              Sto operando...