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now strenght

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  • now strenght

    como aumento strenght no dummy, eu fico batendo nele umas 10 horas e não aumenta nada, explique como utilizar corretamente o dummy para ganhar strenght!

    obrigado, aguardo respostas !

  • #2
    you must have reached your skillcap. (700 normally, 720 for long time players)

    now lets say you have 0 in wrestling and 100 in focus. Tip up the arrow next Wrestling skill, and tip down the arrow near Focus skill (in the skill paperchart, alt+k to open it)

    Now go to a dummy, it will train you up to 30 wrestling, subtracting points from the skill Focus (because you tipped it down). In the meantime you should gain some Strength.

    Once you arrive to the limit of 30 wrestling points at the dummy, you switch and put up the Focus arrow and down the Wrestling arrow, and gain Focus with any macro you want, subtracting all points from Wrestling.

    Then again, you go to the dummy...

    Got it? do it how many times it takes to get the points of strength you need.
    The example with wrestling and macro is only to explain the trick.

    good game.
    Ultima modifica di grandexeno4; 21-01-2007, 00:26.
    Restless Soul


    • #3

      entendi, muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuito obrigado... boa explicação



      • #4
        let me know if i should translate for you non italian guys some guides of this forum and particularly this thread : i can take some free time for your benefit
        Restless Soul


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