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Il luck si somma in un party??

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  • Il luck si somma in un party??

    ciao a tutti volevo fare una domanda: mettiamo che io ho di luck 200 e il mio amico ne ha 100, facciamo party e l'ultimo colpo, quello di grazia che fa morire il mob in cui ci siamo imbbattuti glielo dò io; a questo punto il ceck sul luck lo fa a me? (quindi 200) o a tutti i membri del party (quindi 300)?? grazie mille ciao!
    icq: 169520117

  • #2
    Stratics dice questo tanto riguardo la luck:

    Originariamente inviato da UOStratics
    Luck is one of the attributes each player has. Luck is increased by wearing or equipping items that have a certain amount of Luck attached to them. The amount of Luck a player has has an effect on loot found on monsters killed by that person. Luck affetcs one or more of the following:

    1. The number of magic items found on a monster.
    2. The number of properties on a magic item.
    3. The intensity of the properties on a magic item.

    The higher one's Luck, the higher the amount and intensity of increases will be. Luck is checked once for the number of items, once for each item (to determine the number of properties) and once for each property (to determine intensity). With a little luck you might get a small bump in one of three mentioned areas, with lots of a luck you might get a large bump in all three areas.

    Some things to consider about Luck

    * A monster will never drop more than the maximum amount of magic items his loot template allows.
    * Luck is determined by the person that did the most damage to a monster.
    * When most damage is done by a pet, summoned or provoked creature, the Luck factor of the controller of that creature is used.
    * Luck has no effect whatsoever on treasure chests, fished up messages in bottles, town or dungeon chests, or power scrolls.
    * Luck has no effect whatsoever when stealing items from monsters.
    * Luck cannot make "low" level monsters give "high" level loot. You will still need to kill the toughest monsters to get the best possible loot.
    Quindi direi che conta la luck di chi fa più danno... e che il party conta solo x poter tutti lootare i mostri killati

    UPDATE: Per chi diceva che la luck non incide, con 1200 luck ci dovrebbe essere un misero 50% di avere un "bump" del loot di un mostro... entra in gioco il random, rabbrividiamo...
    Ultima modifica di Alex83FE; 11-09-2006, 17:22.
    ***** Detesto OSI per aver dato ai suoi mob la capacità di vedere attraverso le pareti *****


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