Su OSI esiste un trick molto usato per lo skill gain, detto jewelry trick, è molto semplice, riporto un quote in inglese relativo a ninjitsu, ma funziona con tutte le skills che usano monili per skill gain. per i più pigri sotto il riassunto in italiano.
In pratica consiste in questo, nel caso di ninjitsu appena arriviamo a un punteggio abbastanza alto da poter usare i monili per portarlo a 100, indossiamo i monili e cerchiamo un gain, il gain non apparirà sulla finestra di ultima ma easyuo riesce a riconoscerlo, dopo aver trovato questo gain bisogna fermarsi sul tile del gain e ripetere continuamente la magia necessaria per gainare a 100, ogni volta che la magia riesce avremo un gain.
alla fine leviamo i monili e ci ritroviamo con la skill a 100!
la mia domanda è molto semplice:
Questo trick è disponibile anche da noi?
e se non lo è, lo diventerà?
A volte è proprio il caso di dire: OSI Style Rulez!
The Jewelry Trick... explained
The Jewelry Trick is a somewhat well known skill gain method of Ultima Online that provides an easy way to raise skill. The first thing that the method involves is using jewelry to raise your skill to the skillcap (one thing that is rather misleading is the word jewelry, you can use any item with a skill bonus for the skill you are trying to raise). For instance, in our case, say your character has 75.6 Ninjitsu, and your Ninjitsu skillcap is 100. You must have at least a +25 Ninjitsu skill bonus from items in order to take advantage of this method of skill gain. Once your skill is at its cap using items, you must use the skill or cast the spell that would normall make you gain skill at your skillcap. Even if your base skill is something like 80, in which case, for Ninjitsu, your character would normally be using Focus Attack for skill gain, you would now have to use Death Strike for skill gain. The second part of the method involves GETTING a gain. Once your base skill raises you will not see it in the UO window (unless you use UOAssist) because your skill is "capped." EasyUO has no problem tracking these gains (it used to for Ninjitsu =] ). Once you get what is called the "initial gain" you must STAY IN ONE SPOT, and do the SAME activity over and over again EXACTLY. If the jewelry trick is working successfully, you will gain a skill point on EVERY successful attempt at using the skill. In the case of this script, if you are using the jewelry trick, as soon as you get a gain, the boat will STOP immediately and continue using death strike repetitively.
The Jewelry Trick is a somewhat well known skill gain method of Ultima Online that provides an easy way to raise skill. The first thing that the method involves is using jewelry to raise your skill to the skillcap (one thing that is rather misleading is the word jewelry, you can use any item with a skill bonus for the skill you are trying to raise). For instance, in our case, say your character has 75.6 Ninjitsu, and your Ninjitsu skillcap is 100. You must have at least a +25 Ninjitsu skill bonus from items in order to take advantage of this method of skill gain. Once your skill is at its cap using items, you must use the skill or cast the spell that would normall make you gain skill at your skillcap. Even if your base skill is something like 80, in which case, for Ninjitsu, your character would normally be using Focus Attack for skill gain, you would now have to use Death Strike for skill gain. The second part of the method involves GETTING a gain. Once your base skill raises you will not see it in the UO window (unless you use UOAssist) because your skill is "capped." EasyUO has no problem tracking these gains (it used to for Ninjitsu =] ). Once you get what is called the "initial gain" you must STAY IN ONE SPOT, and do the SAME activity over and over again EXACTLY. If the jewelry trick is working successfully, you will gain a skill point on EVERY successful attempt at using the skill. In the case of this script, if you are using the jewelry trick, as soon as you get a gain, the boat will STOP immediately and continue using death strike repetitively.
alla fine leviamo i monili e ci ritroviamo con la skill a 100!
la mia domanda è molto semplice:
Questo trick è disponibile anche da noi?
e se non lo è, lo diventerà?
A volte è proprio il caso di dire: OSI Style Rulez!
