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Problemi Con Le Path

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  • Problemi Con Le Path

    salve raga mi da problemi con il donwload delle path

    questo e' quello che mi dice

    Starting patch session...
    Transferring patch information
    Downloading patch aos3d_win32_4-0-4t.rtp( 26647133 bytes )
    Downloading patch aos3d_win32_4-0-4t.pat( 14 bytes )
    Applying patch patch\aos3d_win32_4-0-4t.rtp
    Error applying patch
    Error during session
    Your client may not be the most recent version.
    You may be able to play the game with your current client.
    Check http:\ for help on resolving patching issues.
    Click OK to play the game or Cancel to abort.

    cosa devo fare?

  • #2
    prova a disinstallare e reinstallare uo e il lancher di uod

    installi uo poi il lancher e pacci
    • Simbul [IçE], SL Faction
    • SimBul NaaRk [LvX], TB Faction


    • #3
      ok risolto ma ora non parte piu il luncer di uod io ci clicco ma non parte e non da errori


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