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Training Discordance

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  • Training Discordance

    ho trovato un post interessante a proposito su stratics, posto qui il succo di quel post...
    Il tutto è calibrato per OSI, ma probabilmente funziona anche qui

    You get a 10 second delay when you success, and a 5 second delay when you fail. You can gain from faillures too... so, while the good difficulty range for fast gains is generally 40-60% success chance, I try to be in the 40-50% range rather than 50-60%

    0-30: buy it! really! saves lot of time!
    30-36.5: Shadow wisps. Easy to get lots of them near spirituality in ilsh...
    36.5-48.8: Red solen workers. if you're friended to the hive, you know where to find them
    48.8-57.8: Red solen warriors, use GM instruments. alternatively, if you don't want to use GM instruments, you'll have to use aggressive monsters for that part... I just wanted to avoid that... you could also use +discord ring/bracelet instead of GM instrument
    57.8-63.6: Red solen warriors, normal instruments.
    63.6-68.4: Red solen queens. can mix with warriors while waiting for discord effect to wear out
    68.4-73.4: Pixies. Again, spirituality is the place to go
    73.4-76.2: Unicorns. Guess what? yes, spirituality again! can probably mix with pixies while waiting for discord effect to wear out
    76.2-88.6: Ethereal warriors, GM instruments. (see comment about red solen warriors above)
    88.6-107.8: Ethereal warriors. Normal instruments. here we have to go all the way to 60% success, since next non aggressive creature is serpentine dragons and is very high in difficulty)
    107.8-112.8: Serpentine dragons, GM instruments (see comment about that above)
    112.8-120: Serpentine dragons. Normal instruments

    Naturalmente questo è solo per bardi appassionati

  • #2
    Non è che hai trovato na scaletta o qualcosa di simile anche per provocation?sto impazzendo per quella skill...


    • #3
      Sei il mio SALVATORE!!!
      Si se ci fosse anche qualcosa per Provocazione sarebbe la MANNA dal Cielo!!!

      The Bard's Song RULEZ


      • #4
        Supponendo di avere 100 di music, discordance si può allenare dai lizardman fino a 60 circa, poi (con peacemaking) dai drake e dai daemon fino a 100

        Per provocation, lizardman fino a 60 e ogre lord fino a 100 (oppure drake vs. daemon).

        Drake e daemon si trovano insieme al fire temple


        • #5
          Per provocation, lizardman fino a 60 e ogre lord fino a 100 (oppure drake vs. daemon).
          c'è un modo + facile e meno doloroso per i primi 60 di provocation
          andate a orc cave, trovatevi una maschera da orco (occhio a non metterla e toglierla troppe volte che leva karma ogni volta), poi andate in mezzo agli orchi con sta maschera e nn vi attaccano, mentre voi potete farli menare uno contro l'altro senza rischi di venire attaccati
          Potete pure mettervi una macro se trovate il posto senza dire wolf


          Sto operando...