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Dilemma su MINING

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  • Dilemma su MINING

    avrei 2 domande che urgono risposta vi scongiuro

    1)Esiste il Miner??Se si dov'è?...devo far training!!

    2)C'è la possibilità di macrarla sta Skill??

    Ciao a tutti
    ICQ 471 009 265

    I still recall/every summer night/
    like it was yesterday...
    The time could never end/ and my friends were family...
    Now I'm a world away from everything we shared.
    (Story Of The Year)

  • #2
    1) Si ad esempio a Minoc trovi la Miner's Guild col Guildmaster.

    2) Ce ne sono tante per EasyUO. Io uso WalkingMumblingMinerBot che è totalmente automatizzato.
    Who is Kaiser Souze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Souze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.


    • #3
      ehehhehe grazie per la dritta...chiedo troppo se ti domando dov'è di preciso la Miner Guildmaster a Minoc?
      ICQ 471 009 265

      I still recall/every summer night/
      like it was yesterday...
      The time could never end/ and my friends were family...
      Now I'm a world away from everything we shared.
      (Story Of The Year)


      • #4
        Potresti, invece di andare fino a Minoc, andare al gate di Haven. Da lì vai un po' in alto a destra (una ventina di passi se non sbaglio), quando raggiungi uno dei tanti campetti di terra troverai un miner per trainare la skill
        ciao !
        Iranyl.rinGhio! (06:47 PM) :
        na volta me hanno lootato una plate exc in iron shadow regalata...
        n'altro poco me buttavo dal balcone


        • #5
          eheheh grazie mille...FATTO!
          ICQ 471 009 265

          I still recall/every summer night/
          like it was yesterday...
          The time could never end/ and my friends were family...
          Now I'm a world away from everything we shared.
          (Story Of The Year)


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