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  • About Paragons

    Hi, I've noticed ALOT of tamers leaving their pet into a mine, or somewhere in Ilshenar where monsters spawns frequently, this is a pretty lame way to get minor arties, and its not fair to players who dont have tamers. So im suggesting you that if a pet owner wants to kill paragons with pet and to receive the minor artifact the pet owner should be atleast 5 tiles from the pet. How that sounds?

    Every dungeon in ilshe is covered with pets, while pet owners are idling at their house.. Or you could make that tamed pets would run away in 7 hours if their owner wouldnt command them and bonded in 12 hours, that would pretty much stop paragon camping in ilshenar..

  • #2
    lo uppo fondamentalmente perkè è straniero e noi itali siamo esterofili.



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