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A few questions

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  • A few questions

    Hello everyone,
    I`ve been playing on UOD for quite some time now even though im not italian ^_^ , but still i have a few questions.
    First i would like to know if there is a maximum swing speed a player can have on this shard (I havent been doing any tests with MEGA stamina, so i was just wondering if anyone has)
    And my second question is: "Has anyone EVER seen a paragon on this shard? Are they disabled or something?"

    Maybe I should of posted this on the international forum, but I know more experienced people visit this one, so i hope some of you UO guru`s speak english

    p.s. Maybe some of you know me from in-game, my pg is called Satara

  • #2
    paragon are not implemented. The mininum swing speed is 1 second


    • #3
      Are you sure about the 1 second, cause i`ve definitely seen people hit faster than that...


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dule
        Are you sure about the 1 second, cause i`ve definitely seen people hit faster than that...
        maybe lag?


        • #5
          No im absolutely sure its not lag... but im also sure that when using the 3d client u cant see every hit you make.
          I have "the blade of insanity" and when i use it with my 60 dexterity warrior I hit around once per second, but when my friend who has 125 dex uses it 0_o ... well lets just say he hits alot faster.


          • #6

            60 dex -> 2 sec delay
            125 dex -> 1 sec delay

            It is normal your friend hits " a lot faster " ..


            • #7
              Yeah i know its normal, im just not sure if there is a limit in swing speed cause he definitely hits faster than one-hit-per-second.


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