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pouches esplosivi

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  • pouches esplosivi

    Ciau gente
    mi dareste delle delucidazioni sull'utilita dei poutches esplosivi in pvp?
    esistono anche degli script sull'argomento immagino...e nessuno li postera' mi dite che fanno? tnx

  • #2
    annullano il paralyze

    Aegis Byrth :.: Elethia Byrth :.: Acheron Byrth :.: Nightshade Byrth :.: Eveline Byrth :. on GuildWars
    CdC ₪ Aegis on Team Fortress 2
    Egioh on Battlefield: Bad Company 2


    • #3
      when you are paralyzed, you can remove the spell from you by making a exploding pouch explode and hurt u

      it's not my favorite strategy to get out of certain situations, but it sure works =D

      (sorry i'm writing in english but i don't know how to speak italian well yet )


      • #4
        grazie ora mi sorge un dubbio, per eliminare il paralize e' possibile usare anche una lesser explosion??

        tnx now i have a doubt,can i use a lesser explosion to remove the paralize status from me as well as poutches?


        • #5
          Ma non credo sia molto saggio esplodersi in faccia un pouch
          Soprattutto mentre fai pvp.
          Molto meglio alzare res spell.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mia Wallace
            Ma non credo sia molto saggio esplodersi in faccia un pouch
            Soprattutto mentre fai pvp.
            Molto meglio alzare res spell.
            Anche con resspell alta x un determinato periodo rimani frozzato, e quei pochi secondi possono essere decisivi =)
            C'è gente che usa il cibo poisonato x sbloccarsi

            >>>>>>>>>>>Dazel O'Connor -AoT-<<<<<<<<<<<
            Also Known: EX Admin Loki


            • #7
              Originally posted by Lovecry
              grazie ora mi sorge un dubbio, per eliminare il paralize e' possibile usare anche una lesser explosion??

              tnx now i have a doubt,can i use a lesser explosion to remove the paralize status from me as well as poutches?

              You can, but the disadvantage of that is that explo potions have a delay of 3 seconds as you may know, so they won't explode at the time you activate them, but 3 seconds later. This means that if you activate them at the same time your foe paralyzes you, he'll have 3 seconds to do his will with you

              PS: anyway, as Mia said, there's no better way to deal with paralyze than RS, as it deals with curse, mana vampire and other spells of that kind at the same time

              I hope i've helped you!!



              • #8
                Originally posted by Gardwick

                You can, but the disadvantage of that is that explo potions have a delay of 3 seconds as you may know, so they won't explode at the time you activate them, but 3 seconds later. This means that if you activate them at the same time your foe paralyzes you, he'll have 3 seconds to do his will with you

                PS: anyway, as Mia said, there's no better way to deal with paralyze than RS, as it deals with curse, mana vampire and other spells of that kind at the same time

                I hope i've helped you!!


                >>>>>>>>>>>Dazel O'Connor -AoT-<<<<<<<<<<<
                Also Known: EX Admin Loki


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