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Procedura Installazione Ultima Online Dreams

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  • Procedura Installazione Ultima Online Dreams

    Spero che questo 3d venga messo Sticky

    Per evitare qualsiasi tipo di errore\problema durante l'installazione seguite questa procedura

    1) se avete già installato ultima e vi ha dato errori di patch disinstallate tutto e cancellate la cartella di installazione di Ultima
    2) reinstallate UO
    3) aggiornate il client
    4) installate il luncher di Dreams
    5) se volete installate Razor

    è importante che si aggiorni prima il client e poi si installi il luncher

    Shenker Arkas#Willbourne#Dorothy#Sheerel#Yowah Twak#Terian Zolovich

    "Programmers are, in their hearts, architects, and the first thing they want to do when they get to a site is to bulldoze the place flat and build something grand."

  • #2

    Shenker Arkas#Willbourne#Dorothy#Sheerel#Yowah Twak#Terian Zolovich

    "Programmers are, in their hearts, architects, and the first thing they want to do when they get to a site is to bulldoze the place flat and build something grand."


    • #3
      niente sticky?????

      Shenker Arkas#Willbourne#Dorothy#Sheerel#Yowah Twak#Terian Zolovich

      "Programmers are, in their hearts, architects, and the first thing they want to do when they get to a site is to bulldoze the place flat and build something grand."


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