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Anatomy + Evaluating Intelligence

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  • Anatomy + Evaluating Intelligence

    Una volta ho letto che se un pg ha le skill anatomy e evaluating intelligence (la somma deve fare 220 almeno) schiva i colpi come se avesse una skill combattiva a 120.
    Vorrei sapere se è come se avesse una skill combattiva in particolare (tipo wrestling) o vale come skill combattiva qualsiasi?! Nel senso che funziona qualsiasi arma io tenga in mano?

  • #2
    (Anatomy + Evaluate Intelligence + 20)/2 (capped at 120.0)

    This means that someone with 100.0 anatomy and 100.0 evaluate would have 110.0 defensive dodging. They will, however, have nothing in terms of offensive, so hitting your opponent for whatever reason is out of the question with this formula. Once again, keep in mind that this is not stackable with any of the other forms of defenses; don't expect to become invincible by picking up 3 skills.

    Questa è definita come "Defensive Wrestling" e quindi se vuoi usare un'arma (o anche la stessa wrestling) devi avere la sua skill !!!


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