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Provocation: There isn't any GM Provoc here...

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  • Provocation: There isn't any GM Provoc here...

    Hey... Sorry for dont speaking italian....
    I saw in Advanced Statistics that there isn't any Gm Provocation in UO Dreams... Is it so hard? Or its useless?
    I think Provocation is great... and I want to be a Legendary bard in provoc, maybe you can give me some hints...

    Or at least tell me why there isn't any provoker in UoD...

  • #2
    It is not useless, i think it's a very good skill, the fact is that people don't know it very well so they prefer to use peacemaking (everyone has the same template tamer/bard/mage -.- ), also it is very hard to raise because you can't use it afk (there are no macros for provo :P ) so you have to go into dungeons provoking critters (maybe dragons..ouch).
    So if you want to be a legendary provo be prepared for a looooong journey :P

    You are sorry for do not speaking italian...the same with me, i'm sorry for do not speaking english :PP


    • #3
      Actually there's a little bug in reports generator not counting some players. I'll have it fixed for tomorrow.

      Anyway, current count of GM Provocation is 6.


      • #4
        I recently tried to begin gm in Provocation, but it was too hard!!!

        Anyway, i suppose Provocation is an amazing skill
        So... good luck!

        Originally posted by delpietro
        ho appena iniziato e gia non posso uscire.
        ci sono 2 guardie alla porta, delle scale che portano in un buco nero,
        e nella stanza accanto c è una sorta di demone-drago nero.

        come uscire?


        • #5
          indeed there is a way to macro it.. until 95 or something..

          obviously it's a bit annoying and it involves a tamer, critters, tables and giant beetles.. in industrial quantity.. [at least you will need 8 vampire bat, 4 ridgeback and over a dozen of giant beetles..]..
          but no GM in this way.. to become GM you'll be needed to waste at least 2 WW.. i don't know if it worths the price.. [just because i'm at 60 now and don't have time to macro it until august]

          good luck and up for provocation


          • #6
            Provocation have an anti macro just like anatomy right?
            you can only gain 0.3 with each pair of animals that you provoke...
            and you can only gain another 0.3 from the same pair after a while or after gaining more provoke...

            So.. if I get some beetles like.. 8, and start to provoke them I can get 56 pairs combinations to provoke, untill geting back to the first one...

            What do you think?


            • #7

              I made a house with small fence rooms... to 7 animals...
              i put some horses to test the macro...
              all went ok, the macro provoc horse 1 against 2, after that, 1 against 3...
              until 6 against 7...
              total of 21 combinations...

              the horses decay after 2 hours of release!! i can't macro this way!!
              Provocation 36,0 (+4,7)
              2 hours of macro.... i started with 23 provoc, so i already bought lots of horses...

              its a fu*** sh*** to bring all horses to the house because i'm a paladin, and sacred journey dont bring them! Only the mounted one...

              I got an idea now... I'll put one friend taming the horses and releasing them... so i think the decay timer will be reset...

              What do you think?


              • #8
                ok. i'll reveal my secret.
                stop with horses.
                animals stay for at least 2hrs until they disappear forever [s*|77y setting of this shard...bwah.. hardest the macro better the enjoyment of breaking it.. ] so you have to gain 4-5 points at a time.. better: 4-5 points for pair.

                Start with horses and you will arrive at 35.
                when you're 35 look for the barding calculator in

                full of useful infos about our criminal purpose..
                my house is near umbra. lucky me! vampire bat are really good to get to 60.. from 35 to 60 there are 25. 25 / 5 = 5.. i will need 5 pairs of vampire bat then.
                not too tough isn't it?
                from 60 to 95 is 35.. /5 = 7..
                i will need 7 pairs of giant beetles.. if you have a tamer friend you can even make your pair last for 2-3 times even during a macro.
                use only a pair. the anti-macro script seems not too smart for it.
                A and B..
                1st : A vs B
                2nd: B vs A
                move back

                repeat forever.. i did it, i'm doing it and it works.
                block the contenders with tables locked well and it will work.
                then release and.. tadaaaaaa.. you've got a zoo in da house.
                your combination is very complicated.. you really overvalued the antimacro scripts.. however.. contact me by msn : ..
                see you soon...


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