Ciao a tutti , ho provato a macrare music ma nel giro di 2 ore mi è salita di 0.2 , quindi vorrei sapere il giusto metodo x far crescere questa skill
;================================== ; Script Name: vesks 8X8peace&music-trainer ; Skill Gain Range: up to 120 both musicianship and peacemake ; Author: Veskandar with alot of help from Goldfish ; Version: 1.1a ; Client Tested with: 4.0.0q ; EUO version tested with: 1.40 ; Shard OSI / FS: tested on OSI / probebly will work on FS but not tested ; Revision Date: --/--/-- ; Public Release: 10/23/2003 ; Purpose: This script will train both music and peacemake at the same time using ; the 8X8 method you need a ship (facing either north or south) an ; animal with you on the ship and instruments (crafted) in your main ; backpack ;================================== initevents ; === SETUP === set %boatongain #false set %boaty #charposy set %gain 0 set %instrument QRF_NRF_MQF_PRF_LQF_OQF chooseSkill peac set %peace #skill event skillLock peac up chooseSkill musi set %music #skill event skillLock musi up msg raise anchor$ wait 5 msg slow forward$ wait 2s ; === END SETUP === ;**************************************************** mainloop: gosub AntiBlock set %boaty #charposy Event Macro 8 7 wait 30 finditem %instrument C wait 10 if #findKind = -1 { Display ok You are out of instruments. The script will now halt. msg stop$ halt } set #lObjectID #findID event Macro 17 0 wait 5 gosub gainCheck event Macro 13 9 target event Macro 23 0 wait 7 gosub gainCheck if %gain = 1 { gosub 8x8 } wait 6s goto mainloop ;**************************************************** sub gainCheck set %boaty #charposy chooseskill peac if %peace < #skill { msg stop$ set %peace #skill set %gain 1 set %boatongain #true } chooseskill musi if %music < #skill { msg stop$ set %music #skill set %gain 1 set %boatongain #true } return ;**************************************************** sub 8x8 set %gain 0 set %sgain 0 set %boaty #charposy start8x8: for %forward8 1 8 { msg one forward$ wait 1s set %boaty #charposy } wait 20 gosub AntiBlock playmusic: finditem %instrument C wait 10 if #findKind = -1 { display Ok You are out of instruments the script will now halt. msg stop$ halt } set #lObjectID #findID Event Macro 17 0 wait 5 event Macro 13 9 target event Macro 23 0 wait 10 checkforfail: scanJournal 1 if calm_everyone,_but_fail. in #journal { deleteJournal wait 10s goto playmusic } scanJournal 1 if You_play_poorly,_and in #journal { deleteJournal wait 10s goto playmusic } goto success success: gosub gainCheck if %gain = 0 { set %sgain %sgain + 1 } if %gain = 1 { set %gain 0 set %sgain 0 } if %sgain > 3 { set %gain 0 set %sgain 0 msg slow forward$ set %boatongain #false return } if %sgain <= 3 { goto start8x8 } goto success return ;Not needed, but like CEO says 'Always good to see one' sub AntiBlock ;purpose - get the boat out of a jam if %boaty <> #charposy || %boatongain return set %boatx #charposx set %boaty #charposy UnBlock: Event Macro 3 0 left wait 2s 1s if %boatx = #charposx { Event Macro 3 0 right wait 2s 1s } if %boatx = #charposx { Event Macro 3 0 back wait 4s goto UnBlock } Event Macro 3 0 slow forward set %boatx #charposx set %boaty #charposy wait 3s 1s if #charposx = %boatx && #charposy = %boaty goto UnBlock return end ;****************************************************