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Lance e dismount

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  • Lance e dismount

    Leggo su stratics:

    Dismount - Perfect for the foot-soldier, the Dismount special attack can unseat a mounted opponent. The fighter using this ability must be on his own two feet and not in the saddle of a steed (with one exception: players may use a lance to dismount other players while mounted). If it works, the target will be knocked off his own mount and will take some extra damage from the fall. Dismounts the target. Inflicts 15-25 additional physical damage. Cannot use this while mounted, unless using a lance.

    Quindi con una lance dismonto da cavallo.
    E' cosi' pure qua?
    - GROM -

  • #2


    • #3
      dismonti da cavallo se l'altro usa una lancia senò nn ci fai nulla...
      stratics si vede nn ha ancora aggiornato il sito infatti prima potevi dismountare ora l'hanno fixato

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