Ma che fanno esattamente???
Stratics dice questo.... ma nn è molto chiaro:
Hit Lower Attack – A successful hit with this weapon temporarily lowers the attack rating of the target by 2% to 50%.
Hit Lower Defense – A successful hit with this weapon temporarily lowers the defense rating of the target by 2% to 50%.
cioè se (ad es) ho 20% hit lower defense abbasso del 20% la defense avversaria? o gli abbasso le resistenze del 20%?
e per l'attack?
Stratics dice questo.... ma nn è molto chiaro:
Hit Lower Attack – A successful hit with this weapon temporarily lowers the attack rating of the target by 2% to 50%.
Hit Lower Defense – A successful hit with this weapon temporarily lowers the defense rating of the target by 2% to 50%.
cioè se (ad es) ho 20% hit lower defense abbasso del 20% la defense avversaria? o gli abbasso le resistenze del 20%?
e per l'attack?