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Animal Lore

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  • Animal Lore

    Una domanda semplice semplice... a cosa serve animal lore?
    Mi servirebbero tutte le sue funzioni, dalla prima all'ultima!

  • #2
    Da Stratics:

    The Animal Lore skill will display the following data for any tamed creature:
    Numeric values for Skills, Strength, Hits, Dexterity, Fatigue, Intelligence, and Mana.
    Any pack instincts the pet may have.
    The preferred food.
    A general description of how well you can control the pet based on your skills, the taming difficulty, and current loyalty.
    Below 100.0 skill you can view the above statistics for any tamecreature.
    At 100.0, you can view the above statistics for any tamable creature.
    At 110.0, you can view the above statistics for any creature.
    The skill's secondary function is to determine your level of control over a particular pet. It accounts for 20% of your chance to control a pet (Animal Taming accounts for the remaining 80%).
    The Animal Lore skill is influenced by INT.
    Like anatomy is a complementary skill for healing, Animal Lore supports the Veterinary skill.
    Animal Lore is a target-based skill, this means you have to use it on numerous targets to keep gaining if you use it directly.
    It can also be raised passively through taming or use of the Veterinary skill.
    You need a minimum of 60.0 skill points in Animal Lore and Veterinary to be able to cure poison and a minimum of 80.0 skill points in Animal Lore and Veterinary to be able to resurrect a bonded pet.


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