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*sbav* oggettini da OSI *arisbav*

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  • *sbav* oggettini da OSI *arisbav*

    ma noi quando mettiamo questi simpatici oggettini?

    a fireworks wand
    troppo bella, questa c'è già ma nn la vende o fabbrica nessuno, serve a far i fuochi d'artificio!

    Phoenix Armor A random piece of red ring armor. As these pieces are random, it is possible to be awarded a duplicate prize. (100,000 tickets) note: this armor actually appears orange
    non ho capito la questione dei ticket, ma sembra molto carina, chissà com'è poi da indossare a livello res....

    e ci son altre cose carine ma non le scrivo, perchè + di tutti mi interessa sapere quando verranno inseriti i "premi" che dovrebbero dare i solen alla loro morte eccone qualcuno di esempio:

    Bracelet of Binding: One of these Bracelets can be bound to another Bracelet of Binding. The Bracelet will allow easy travel from the location of one Bracelet to the location of the other Bracelet. Can be found on Black Solen Warriors and Red Solen Warriors

    Crystal Ball of Pet Summoning This Crystal Ball allows you to summon a linked pet to your location. Can be found as loot on Black Solen Queens and Red Solen Queens.

    Powder of Translocation This is a reward you will receive from the Ambitious Solen Queen after you completed the quest to kill 5 Solen Queens. This powder probably allows you to charge a bracelet of binding, the Crystal Ball of Pet Summoning and the Bag of Sending

    Zoogi Fungus: Black Solen Warriors and Queens and Red Solen Warriors and Queens carry this mushroom. Zoogi Fungus also grows inside the Solen Hive. Zoogi Fungus can be transformed into Powder of Translocation by a Solen Queen. 200 Fungi gives 100 measures of Powder.

    e poi c'è anche..
    Firehorn: A nautilus shaped horn that can be used as a weapon. When used, the horn consumes 15 Sulphurous Ash reagents, and does damage to an area on and around the target. The damage is based on the barding skills of the person using it, roughly divided as 72% provoking, 14% peacemaking and 14% discordance. In the hands of a skilled bard, the firehorn can do 45+ damage.

    Glacial Staff: Glacial Staffs are found as loot on Giant Ice Serpents. At first the staff will say it is "a magical staff" but once it has been identified it will say "a glacial staff. charges: 25". Every staff gives the owner access to two out of three effects. The type of effects one has access to are determined at random when the Ice Serpent and staff spawn. The following effects are known:
    Ice Ball - Des Corp Del. Does about 10-15 damage to the target.
    Ice Strike - In Corp Del. Drains all your mana in one go and does damage depending on the mana consumed.
    Paralyze - An Ex Del. Will temporary freeze your opponent.

    Scusate se il 3d è lungo, ma son oggettini davvero carini e mi piacerebbe possederli

  • #2
    a fireworks wand
    troppo bella, questa c'è già ma nn la vende o fabbrica nessuno, serve a far i fuochi d'artificio!
    questo l'ho visto al matrimonio di domenica D carina davvero


    • #3
      La phoenix armor è un reward della raccolta ticket di 5 anni fa ed ha un utilita solo scenica. Per il resto non serve a niente.

      Però devo dire che è bellissima ^^

      Bracelet of binding, power of traslocation, cristal ball of pet summoning e bag of sending invece sarebbe utilissimi


      • #4
        si e poi la glacial staff su un mago (me) ci sta benissimo


        • #5
          son ogg molto carini e utili spero li mettano prestano

          UO e bello per le piccole cose

          Siamo tutti figli del nostro coraggio, ma a volte è un cattivo padre.


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