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macrare lockpicking oltre 95

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  • macrare lockpicking oltre 95

    ho portato lockpicking a 95 pero ora non mi sale piu con le ceste craftata dal mio tinker che ha 100 qualcuno sa dirmi se e' niormale e come si puo fare per portarla fino a 100?

  • #2
    oltre 95 si puo' alzare solo aprendo tesori almeno del terzo livello


    • #3
      ma con 95 di lock riesco ad arpire tesori del 5 livello?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cagliostro
        ma con 95 di lock riesco ad arpire tesori del 5 livello?
        secondo stratics serve 100, ma non so essere preciso perche' non ne ho mai aperti di quinto livello


        • #5
          Originally posted by Cagliostro
          ma con 95 di lock riesco ad arpire tesori del 5 livello?

          " sono tanti conigli al mondo, e noi ne mangiamo pochi...."
          Originally posted by eLek
          No reply No party...


          • #6
            Basta che giri x i doungeon tutto il giorno e apri le casse che ci son dentro....

            cmq ci vuole il suo tempo!
            • Keira Von Luen
            • EOS per sempre
            • Elder Knight[LvX]
            • TB Faction Reborn
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            • #7
              Da che punteggio in lockpick si puo' tentare di scassinare le casse create con 100 tinker/carpenter?
              Non c è da vergognarsi,il fatto che dietro i pixel ci siano delle persone non deve essere tirato in ballo solo quando devi avere i sensi di colpa quando lo reskilli


              • #8

                Lockpicking is affected by the anti-macro code; it is an object based skill, meaning you need plenty of targets in order to train. Movement does not affect this skill.
                Remember as a training lockpicker, tinkers are your friends. You will be going through a lot of lockpicks during your training. You will also more than likely want to buy some tinker-made lockable boxes or chests to work on. Why do I say "tinker-made" when everyone knows that carpenters make these things? Because you are concerned with the quality of the lock on the box, it is important to have it made by a tinker of appropriate skill. A carpenter can make a lockable box, yet if he/she is GM carpenter but has only 25 tinkering, you will end up with a nice box that has a very weak lock on it. Pay attention to the tinkering skill when buying boxes. If you dont know a tinker, try looking on the Stratics Tinker Forum. Chances are good you will find a tinker on your shard of the right level there.
                You will want to contact a tinker and buy some picks. Tinkers raise skill by making them and you can often get a good deal on a bulk purchase. That will end up being cheaper than buying them from a NPC tinker.
                At 0 skill get 3 or 4 boxes made by a tinker of 50 to 60 skill. You will break a lot of picks on them, but they will raise you well into your training. You can use these as you walk around town picking the boxes and crates found in shops, or you can go to Vesper bank and work on the level one boxes that spawn in the north back room there. There are 6 boxes that spawn, each box stays up for about 9 minutes and is replaced by a fresh one about a minute after it disappears. Lockpicking raises very fast here at low levels, and the advantage of having a bank right there to refresh your supply of picks from is invaluable.
                You can also train the skill with a theif guildmaster if you prefer not to start at 0.
                Once you get to the mid 50's, you will be opening the level 1 boxes pretty well and the gains will slow down some. From here, you have a few options. You can get a few more boxes made by a tinker in the mid 70's to low 80' and work on those; you can get a set of GM tinker boxes, or you can train on spawning dungeon chests. Let's examine the pros and cons of those options.
                Using boxes made by a tinker about 20 points above your current skill is great for gains with fewer lockpicks broken. However, to get around the anti-macro code, you will need a lot of them if that is all you are working with. They are good when used in conjunction with the harder town boxes and with level 2 spawn chests. You can find level 2 spawn chests in the Western Vesper bank back room, in the north chest room at Yew Crypts, and in various dungeons.
                GM boxes will take you all the way to 95 shown skill. You need a lot of them though, and for many storing them is a problem.
                Training on spawning chests is certainly more fun (and profitable) than the other methods but of course it tends to be more dangerous as well. There are a few safe locations where chests spawn, but they do tend to be popular, so training in those locations alone can be slow.
                The best bet is to combine a few techniques, if your gains stall on your GM boxes, hit the dungeons for a while until you get a gain, at which time your GM boxes will be "reset" and you can gain from them again.
                Once you have reached 95 enhanced skill, you will no longer be able to gain from the GM boxes. Some people believe that it does help to run through them a few times, even though you will not raise from them. Whether you do this or not is up to you. The only way to raise now is to hit the dungeon chests and the harder static* chests in towns and dungeons.
                * A "static" chest or box is one that is always in the same location. They do relock and retrap, and some have items in them. Usually the items are of little or no value, the exception being the semi-rares which appear in certain town boxes. A spawning chest has a very short life span, about 9 or 10 minutes. When a spawn chest disapears, it is replaced by a fresh one a minute or so later in the same general area.

                " sono tanti conigli al mondo, e noi ne mangiamo pochi...."
                Originally posted by eLek
                No reply No party...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Kamahl Rhowa

                  Lockpicking is affected by the anti-macro code; it is an object based skill, meaning you need plenty of targets in order to train. Movement does not affect this skill.
                  Remember as a training lockpicker, tinkers are your friends. You will be going through a lot of lockpicks during your training. You will also more than likely want to buy some tinker-made lockable boxes or chests to work on. Why do I say "tinker-made" when everyone knows that carpenters make these things? Because you are concerned with the quality of the lock on the box, it is important to have it made by a tinker of appropriate skill. A carpenter can make a lockable box, yet if he/she is GM carpenter but has only 25 tinkering, you will end up with a nice box that has a very weak lock on it. Pay attention to the tinkering skill when buying boxes. If you dont know a tinker, try looking on the Stratics Tinker Forum. Chances are good you will find a tinker on your shard of the right level there.
                  You will want to contact a tinker and buy some picks. Tinkers raise skill by making them and you can often get a good deal on a bulk purchase. That will end up being cheaper than buying them from a NPC tinker.
                  At 0 skill get 3 or 4 boxes made by a tinker of 50 to 60 skill. You will break a lot of picks on them, but they will raise you well into your training. You can use these as you walk around town picking the boxes and crates found in shops, or you can go to Vesper bank and work on the level one boxes that spawn in the north back room there. There are 6 boxes that spawn, each box stays up for about 9 minutes and is replaced by a fresh one about a minute after it disappears. Lockpicking raises very fast here at low levels, and the advantage of having a bank right there to refresh your supply of picks from is invaluable.
                  You can also train the skill with a theif guildmaster if you prefer not to start at 0.
                  Once you get to the mid 50's, you will be opening the level 1 boxes pretty well and the gains will slow down some. From here, you have a few options. You can get a few more boxes made by a tinker in the mid 70's to low 80' and work on those; you can get a set of GM tinker boxes, or you can train on spawning dungeon chests. Let's examine the pros and cons of those options.
                  Using boxes made by a tinker about 20 points above your current skill is great for gains with fewer lockpicks broken. However, to get around the anti-macro code, you will need a lot of them if that is all you are working with. They are good when used in conjunction with the harder town boxes and with level 2 spawn chests. You can find level 2 spawn chests in the Western Vesper bank back room, in the north chest room at Yew Crypts, and in various dungeons.
                  GM boxes will take you all the way to 95 shown skill. You need a lot of them though, and for many storing them is a problem.
                  Training on spawning chests is certainly more fun (and profitable) than the other methods but of course it tends to be more dangerous as well. There are a few safe locations where chests spawn, but they do tend to be popular, so training in those locations alone can be slow.
                  The best bet is to combine a few techniques, if your gains stall on your GM boxes, hit the dungeons for a while until you get a gain, at which time your GM boxes will be "reset" and you can gain from them again.
                  Once you have reached 95 enhanced skill, you will no longer be able to gain from the GM boxes. Some people believe that it does help to run through them a few times, even though you will not raise from them. Whether you do this or not is up to you. The only way to raise now is to hit the dungeon chests and the harder static* chests in towns and dungeons.
                  * A "static" chest or box is one that is always in the same location. They do relock and retrap, and some have items in them. Usually the items are of little or no value, the exception being the semi-rares which appear in certain town boxes. A spawning chest has a very short life span, about 9 or 10 minutes. When a spawn chest disapears, it is replaced by a fresh one a minute or so later in the same general area.

                  Si ok ci er0 andato io su Uo stratic e l'avevo gia' letto.

                  Cmq per ora sono a 72 in lockpick e ancora non li posso usare per alzare la skill i bauli costruiti da un gm tinker.
                  Non c è da vergognarsi,il fatto che dietro i pixel ci siano delle persone non deve essere tirato in ballo solo quando devi avere i sensi di colpa quando lo reskilli


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