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[NOBUG]Heartwood lag/bug

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  • [NOBUG]Heartwood lag/bug

    Hey there,
    Ive entered with my worker PG Stitch in heartwood and as i walked few steps by bowyers my client froze and stoped responding. It does it now everytime i try to log into my worker pg. EVERY TIME. Can someone tell me whats the problem?

    icq: 618596197

  • #2
    Originariamente inviato da uogatis Visualizza il messaggio
    Hey there,
    Ive entered with my worker PG Stitch in heartwood and as i walked few steps by bowyers my client froze and stoped responding. It does it now everytime i try to log into my worker pg. EVERY TIME. Can someone tell me whats the problem?

    icq: 618596197
    Can someone port my PG out of there? I cant do NOTHIN!!!


    • #3
      u can use "Help" --> Il mio pg è fisicamente Bloccato-->choose the city and wait a few seconds
      with the froze pg


      • #4
        Did you read what i wrote?


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da uogatis Visualizza il messaggio
          Did you read what i wrote?
          log-in with another pg and press help, a GM can help you.
          Originariamente inviato da Loki_Staff
          MArgherì, sta zitto che hai dato +200 euro per totem e crimson .... -.-


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