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Bug Throwing Explosion Potions

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  • #16
    but this is not osi. This is UODreams, and i think best pvp ever. So, imho potion are ok.


    • #17
      Originariamente inviato da prohunter33 Visualizza il messaggio
      if ur at 1 tile with the conflag potion it drops the fields instantly. Meaning the target will instantly take 9-12 damage vs 60fire and then to run out you would have to run thru atleast 2 more of the fire field tiles which will trigger the damage again making it 27-36 damage. And the Supernova potion does 29-32 damage at one tile and also instant. So an average of 62 damage to be a lil more accurate.

      So i hope i broke it down enough for a simply mind like yours to grasp.
      I know the mechanics of the game perfectly, The situation you say is against a cursed/low resistance target (and in many cases you got the numbers wrong, usually rounding them up to back your arguments), which means most of the damage its not unavoidable, because there are lots of ways to remove curses.

      against normal resistances, a supernova does 18 dmg at most, and you can use one each 2 minutes. Conflagration is 6-8 so 7 average, and can be only used each 30 sec, so in the situation you say its gonna be around 21 dmg. so total damage for that combo woud be 39 IF you manage to set it right, which would require syncronization and skills (yes, player skill) and custom scripts, so is not easy for the common user (probably for a easyuo scripter like you it would be easy), the macro may seem simple, but it requires to use most potions exclusively thru easyuo because supernova potions are considered white potions by razor.

      summing up, 99% of the people would not go thru so much hassle for a move that needs custom scripting, can only be used each 2 minutes, needs some skill and getting point blank at someone (so in practice it would be mostly beneficial for melee types) and all for less damage than you can do with a leafblade with hit lightning. and most important point... Supernova potions cost a whooping !!!!500 silver each!!!! so I highly doubt this fix would turn UOD into the catastrophic alchemy post-nuclear armaggedon of your evidently exuberant fantasies.

      PS: what is a "simply mind"? lol, failure at trying to insult me
      Ultima modifica di ProFF7; 22-12-2010, 08:56.
      ICQ: 629450314


      • #18
        Let them patch it. A week or two later they will nerf it and it wont be an issue again.


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