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[NOBUG]Equipment disappears

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  • [NOBUG]Equipment disappears

    It has happened to me that, if I die while switching equipment, that piece will disappear forever

    It has happened to me with a 15/fc1/13 shield, it disappeared because I was potting and then I died >_<
    ICQ: 629450314

  • #2
    did u try to restart client? Had u wear\unwear this item with razor's macros?
    Se lo attacchi con i pugni, Niky torna con una mazza;
    Se lo attacchi con un coltello, lui torna con una pistola;
    E se lo attacchi con una pistola, ti conviene ucciderlo,
    perchč continuerą a tornare e tornare, fino a che uno di voi due non č morto
    Realizzo Script Euo Personalizzati a Pagamento


    • #3
      Ok this has happened me twice in fact

      One time, the item appeared after some hours

      The second time it disappeared forever, its been many days ago and never returned
      ICQ: 629450314


      • #4
        page in game, we will help you if we can.


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da ProFF7 Visualizza il messaggio
          Ok this has happened me twice in fact

          One time, the item appeared after some hours

          The second time it disappeared forever, its been many days ago and never returned
          I can vouch for him, i was pvming with him when this happened


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