Con i Morph Earrings riesco ad equippare solo pezzi armor dell'elfo, mentre le cloth no (scarpe, robe ecc..). Mi sono informato:
"Morph Earrings: (insurable) While wearing them, ignores the Elf Only requirement on armor and clothing. If the player removes the earrings, any Elf Only equippable will drop to the player’s backpack. If his backpack is full, the equippables will be sent to his bankbox."
Mythic Entertainment | Ultima Online - Play the 14-Day Free Trial!
"Morph Earrings: (insurable) While wearing them, ignores the Elf Only requirement on armor and clothing. If the player removes the earrings, any Elf Only equippable will drop to the player’s backpack. If his backpack is full, the equippables will be sent to his bankbox."
Mythic Entertainment | Ultima Online - Play the 14-Day Free Trial!