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word of death

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  • word of death

    here Ultima Online Dreams :: UO Italian Shard is said
    Bonus al cerchio arcano
    : +5% hit points per ogni arcanist addizionale
    but arcan focus doesn't affect WOD damage at all

  • #2
    WOD doesn't work as you think, the HP% is the health the mob must have for wod to have it's full effect. I'll explain better, you know that casting wod upon a healthy enemy just inflicts a minimal damage, but if the enemy's hp are below 5% te damage is taken in full. Having a high level crystal will raise the percentage of HP the enemy must have to inflict the high damage, so if without crystal the threshold is 5%, with a 5th level crystal it's 25% (!), this because at 5th level we have 5lv x 5%hp = 25% threshold


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