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[FIX] Labirinth

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  • [FIX] Labirinth

    Purtroppo non ho un account OSI e non posso verificare di persona.. comunque, vi posto un pò di info che ho trovato sui forum di stratics e da altre parti che forse vi possono aiutare a sistemare il dungeon.. Anche perchè ho visto che c'è già un compito sul mantis per alcuni fix ^^

    Originariamente inviato da
    Labyrinth (Malas - 56° 36' North 28° 37' East)
    An immense avalanche has revealed the existence of a previously inaccessible ancient structure. Through a winding gorge, players descend to the crumbling edifice built into the cliff wall. The mysterious building is covered in bas relief sculptures of terrifying men-beasts, with bull heads and powerful human torsos. The building is smaller than the exterior would suggest and exits into an immense courtyard, open to the sky and surrounded by other buildings to explore.

    Portions of the ancient city are still inhabited by its founders, the minotaur. Meraktus, a powerful tormented minotaur (champion spawn) rules her people from the center of an ornate labyrinth. Scavengers and winged creatures have nests and dens in ruined portions of the city including: Scorpions, Air Elementals, Drakes, Chimaera, and a Phoenix.
    Originariamente inviato da Forum OSI
    The labyrinth boss isn't actually a peerless, it is more like a Champion spawn but without the altar...

    - There are no keys or keyholders, you simply need to kill the Minotaurs that spawn at the very end of the labyrinth
    - If you kill them fast enough, the spawn will progress through different stages. There is no visual indicator of the spawn level like a skull altar, but you get system messages when it advances. Some intermediate minotaur mini-bosses should also spawn
    - Eventually, the minotaur boss herself (the Tormented Minotaur) will spawn. I have no idea about the abilities since only two or three guilds have seen her, and as far as I know she doesn't drop any special loot in particular
    A couple of things to note that were not listed above:

    Near the back of the labyrinth is a small gate that crosses the path. If you are hunting in this area, you will see notes in the lower corner of your screen that say something like: "Kill the invaders". These messages mark the level of the champo spawn like the candles on an altar. The message changes as each part is completed.

    At the end, the champ is not the tormented minotaurs. Four tormented minotaurs will spawn to defend the champ which is named "Meraktus".
    Originariamente inviato da Forum OSI

    Ok I seen most of these creatures:

    Rend (named reptilian)- These are by far the scariest, due to their taking forever to kill, their waiting near the enterance and instantly flags players that enter. You can invis yourself outside the door and double click to go in staying invisible. I have not yet been able to be detected by rend when doing this, unless the dev team decides to change that. These things are also very brutal to those getting resurected. Any time Rend is around when i get rezzed, or even 2 screans away, it will come after me or hit me with a breath attack.

    Pyre (named pheonix) - I have seen these before. When i first met pyre, it instantly attacked and (1 hit) killed me. It also seems to have a heat aura that instantly causes it to flag and openly attack you. I have not seen it around often lately since it probably does spawn deeper in the labrynth.

    Flurry (named air elemental)- I have seen one of these once, i forget whether or not it had killed me. I did remember others helping me kill it but got no artie reward so far from it.

    Miasma (named scorpian)- These are the easiest so far to take down. I can solo it with a tamed reptilian, which are the least strongest of the larger pets to use. Also, her spawn area always seems to be dominated by several people of different templates.

    Grim (named drake)- I have never seen or heard of a named drake before. I will have to stealth into the labrynth with my steath mage and check him out. I been deep into it before as a tamer but never had the chance to look for it since i was being chased and rezed, and rezkilled too many times to notice.
    hp: 2585
    stam: 308
    resists: 60/60/57/34/49
    dmg: 23-30
    119 wrestle / 112 anatomy
    he spawns right outside the champ area.

    Naturalmente l'attendibilità è relativa, ma con tutto questo materiale qualcosina da verificare ci sarà

    E mi preme specificare che non necessito di alcun fix qua, ma per completezza mi fa piacere informarvi, dato che questo è il dungeon più incasinato di tutti.. per non parlare degli artefatti dei minotauri e della quest, di cui devo sempre estrapolare le info

    Se volete una traduzione con un sunto basta chiedere

    EDIT: sempre a titolo informativo, aggiungo questo da RunUo
    Ultima modifica di Duku; 20-01-2008, 19:19.

  • #2
    UP per il reptalon nero


    • #3
      Non uppate il post per favore, è per aiutare gli scripter, non per proporre eventuali fix futuri o accelerare qualche implementazione ^^


      • #4
        ma tutte quelle bestie strane, come il miasma droppano arte?

        Originariamente inviato da Mappa N\LasT
        Samara:Nio hai lavoro di fare provina
        Holy:Samara gildi a nastro
        Samara:chi e nastro?
        Nio:Te credo semo 4 gatti
        Holy: meglio 4 gatti che 4 porci come gli ade


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da Nio5006 Visualizza il messaggio
          ma tutte quelle bestie strane, come il miasma droppano arte?
          Si,sono named quindi droppano.
          Firma Irregolare, Editata.

          Freddy - GN Administrator


          • #6
            doku bel lavoro
            ma con la traduzione ti meritavi il bacietto
            Ultima modifica di GianlucaFarroni; 28-01-2008, 21:51.

            L’Arcangelo viene rappresentato, nell’iconografia orientale ed occidentale, come un combattente con la spada in mano, che nella prima immensa guerra apocalittica, svoltasi prima della venuta dell'uomo sulla terra, affronta e sconfigge Lucifero ribellatosi a Dio, facendolo sprofondare nelle tenebre..
            Un angelo nero domina gli arcangeli


            • #7
              Se la traduzione può servire a quelli dello staff sarò ben lieto di farla ^^


              A scopo informativo e illustrativo.. Thx OSI ^^


              Sto operando...