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[Revision 458] Pub 46

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  • #16
    Grazie, mi danneggia un poco, ma è più che giusto ^^



    • #17
      Se si casta una spell/skill mentre si ha una special attiva, la special sarà annullata. Se si prova a utilizzare una special con una spell/skill in cast o precastata, spunta il messaggio "you cannot perform this special move right now".
      sara' da veri pro il mago con la combat

      Prima alchemy influenzava solamente il danno delle pozioni explosion. Adesso invece darà un vero e proprio bonus all'attributo Enhance Potions di un pg. 10% con 33.4 alchemy, 20% con 66.7 alchemy e 30% con 100.0 alchemy.
      alchemy da un bonus OLTRE o no al cap di EP?????
      (ma sopratutto mi pare di aver visto un oggetto ep75% tra le cose di ml.. sicuri il cap sia fermo a 50%? o ho preso un abbaglio?)

      Rina Darkblade
      - RiINa - Amrael Darkblade
      Scambio Bod di ogni tipo - Vendo Premi Collections - Compro White Pearls

      Teorema del Fantauo:
      Chi e' Fantauo non ha bisogno di loggare, esso ha gia fatto tutto prima di farlo.
      Fantauo fa' esperienza con la fantasia.
      Al Re dei Fantauo basta guardare per 10 secondi la schermata di login per ownare tutti.
      Non c'e' righello abbastanza lungo per il Re del Fantauo.
      Esso ha vinto a priori.

      icq: 325516135


      • #18
        Originariamente inviato da isterico Visualizza il messaggio
        (ma sopratutto mi pare di aver visto un oggetto ep75% tra le cose di ml.. sicuri il cap sia fermo a 50%? o ho preso un abbaglio?)
        Ecru Citrine Ring: è stato fixato e messo a EP 50%, non è + a 75%.
        Originariamente inviato da Amdir
        Ray ti setto spammer cosi' non si vede la firma e mezzo shard mi viene a piangere su icq

        Originariamente inviato da Aka
        (17:59:58) Salvo: aka >>>>>>>> OSI
        Originariamente inviato da Prof. Pala
        "Prima che la situazione si faccia imbarazzante, è meglio se si ripresenta al prossimo appello..."


        • #19
          Originariamente inviato da isterico Visualizza il messaggio
          alchemy da un bonus OLTRE o no al cap di EP?????
          Da quanto ho capito si,il cap di monili ecc è 50% con alchemy incrementi il cap fino a 80%.



          • #20
            Can anyone translate these ? :P


            • #21
              Originariamente inviato da DevilM Visualizza il messaggio
              Da quanto ho capito si,il cap di monili ecc è 50% con alchemy incrementi il cap fino a 80%.
              Vash U'Sgrav [LorD] - Labora et Basta [KP] on UODreams
              ICQ: 150088146

              MSN: iociriprovo chiocciola

              Non contattatemi su ICQ per scambio item o aste o spam di alcun genere. Se mi serve un item faccio il post sul forum, inutile che mi spammate su ICQ.

              This signature is powered by Gingillo


              • #22
                Addio mana infinito x quanto riguarda Wraith Form


                • #23
                  Fix to Mana Regen e Meditation
                  Mr is no more capped at 18.

                  For each mana regen on armor, less will be it's contribute to the mana regeneration.

                  Also to take advantage of bonus mana regen on items a pg needs meditation and focus 120. Who have 0 will have instead, the half of the effect. Also with 20 focus and 20 meditation the effect doesn't improve, only with 40 or more.

                  To calculate medit, u can use this simple program:

                  Fix to Taming
                  New method to calculate the control Chance.

                  To have a good control chance, a pg needs good level of Taming and Lore( like 100/ 115 both).

                  1. tamingBonus = difficultyModifier * (taming skill - pet difficulty)
                  2. loreBonus = difficultyModifier * (taming skill - pet difficulty)
                  3. skillBonus = (tamingBonus + loreBonus) / 2

                  Control chance:
                  Final control chance % = 70 + skillBonus;

                  Now, the difficultyModifier above depends on the difference between your skill and the pet’s difficulty. Instead of averaging the skills and then applying the modifier to the average as before, the difficulty modifier is now applied independently to each skill and then that result is averaged. This gives us the ability to give more importance to taming than lore, while still requiring you to have a significant investment in both skills to control high level pets. The way that modifiers are picked is as follows:

                  Difficulty Modifiers:

                  6 - if (taming/lore skill - pet difficulty) is positive (i.e. if taming/lore skill is greater than the pet's difficulty)
                  28 - if (taming skill - pet difficulty) is negative (i.e. if your taming is less than the pet's difficulty)
                  14 - if (lore skill - pet difficulty) is negative (i.e. if your lore is less than the pet's difficulty)

                  To give you an example for a player with 93 taming and 100 lore trying to control a dragon which has a difficulty of 93.9:

                  Step 1 – Finding the skill / pet difficulty difference for each skill:

                  Taming – Pet Difficulty = 93 – 93.9 = -0.9

                  Lore – Pet Difficulty = 100 – 93.9 = 6.1

                  Step 2 – Finding the modifiers for both skills

                  Taming difference is negative, so the taming modifier is 28 (would be 6 if it were positive)

                  Lore difference is positive, so the Lore modifier is 6 (would have been 14 if it were negative)

                  Step 3 – Applying the modifiers to each skill bonus

                  Taming bonus = 28 * -0.9 = -25.2

                  Lore bonus = 6 * 6.1 = 36.6

                  Step 4 – Averaging the two bonuses:

                  skillBonus = (-25.2 + 36.6) / 2 = 5.7

                  Step 5 – Finding the control chance

                  Control Chance = 70 + 5.7 = 75.7%

                  This, of course, assumes that the dragon is at max loyalty. The penalty for loyalty has not changed, however, so I won’t go into detail here about how that works.

                  What this does is require that you pretty much need to have both taming and lore very close to the pet's difficulty in order to control it. However, there is more room for having slightly lower lore than there is for having less taming. Also, the bonus for having more skill than the pet's difficulty is about where it was before, but again, you can't compensate too much with one skill or the other.

                  Fix to Nervestrike
                  The percentage to paralize a target (with nervestrike) will be 50% with 50 bushido, to 90% with 120 bushido. Also the damage will be maximized only with 120 bushido and minimised with 50 bushido.

                  If the target resists to the paralisys, no damage will be applied.

                  Fix to Evasion
                  This ability now has 20 second delay (This ability can be activated only every 20 sec :P )

                  Fix to special
                  Weapon special moves now require Weapon Skill and Tactics of appropriate skill levels. (i.e., 70 in each skill for primary weapon special moves, 90 in each skill for secondary weapon special moves).
                  a. Exceptions to the Tactics requirement are the following:
                  i. Wrestling special moves.
                  ii. Shadowstrike since it already requires 80 Stealth to perform.
                  iii. Infecting Strike since it already requires Poisoning skill to be effective..

                  If a pg uses a spell/skill with an active special, this will be annuled. If a pg tries to use a special with a spell/skill in cast or precast, there will be the message "you cannot perform this special move right now".

                  Fix to cap
                  New cap 25 for hit point increase and 50 to Enhance Potions.

                  Fix to Alchemy
                  Enhance Potions will have a bonus of:
                  10% with 33.4 alchemy
                  20% with 66.7 alchemy
                  30% with 100.0 alchemy

                  Fix to pet
                  1) When a Lesser Hiryu chooses to perform the Dismount special maneuver, it will now have a 20% chance to succeed in performing the dismount.

                  2) A pet that performs a Dismount special maneuver will now add a remount delay for its owner. This delay is 10 sec and in this period the owner can't remount neither use animal form.

                  3) Hiryu dismount maneuver don't inflict addictional damage (only the fall damage).

                  4) Hiryu special to reduce physical res, will do a double strike.

                  5) Offensive pets can't be remounted while fighting .Horse and other pets like llama, ostard, warhorse, swamp, are not considered offensive pets, so can be remounted even if they are in combat.

                  Fix to dismount
                  Anything that can dismount a player character will now force an opponent out of Animal Form. This includes weapon special moves such as Dismount and Riding Swipe, items such as bolas, and any creatures with Dismount

                  Who performs the dismount (with bolas or weapon special moves): can't use animal form for the duration of the effect.
                  If the dismount is performed by a pet, the owner cannot remount for 10s (on that pet or others) and cannot use animal form.

                  Using riding swipe on a pg in animal form, this will be paralyzed.

                  Fix to Death Strike
                  Death Strike damage now scales based on the average of Hiding/Stealth from 30% to 100% of normal damage. If both are 0 the damage will be only 30%, if both 120 also 100%. Middle values will also count.
                  The damage cap is lowered from 70 to 60.
                  Death Strike will now cause 50% less damage when using a ranged weapon.

                  Fix to hiding
                  Cancel targeting cursor when using the Hiding skill. This is to prevent abuses such as commanding your pet to kill, pressing a macro to hide, and then targeting the pet’s victim..
                  An hidden pg can't see himself, so cant use bandages or cures with magery/chiva spells.

                  Fix to wraith form
                  Cant be more possible to leech mana from monster or enemy that have finished it.
                  Mana leeched will be random, scaled on spirit speak value.

                  Fix to area damage
                  The area damage is reduced from 10 to 5 tile (For exemple with serpent's fang).

                  Ultima modifica di softiceStaff; 15-10-2007, 12:31.


                  • #24
                    thank you softiceStaff


                    • #25
                      Scusate ma con questo fix:

                      Fix a wraith form

                      1) Risolto un bug di uod che permetteva di leechare più mana del dovuto.
                      2) Non sarà più possibile leechare mana a mostri o nemici che l'hanno finito.
                      3) Il mana leechato è casuale e dipende da spirit speak.

                      Vuol dire che fare il ciccione sarà impossibile e bisognerà cambiare template?


                      • #26
                        Originariamente inviato da drakal Visualizza il messaggio
                        Scusate ma con questo fix:

                        Fix a wraith form

                        1) Risolto un bug di uod che permetteva di leechare più mana del dovuto.
                        2) Non sarà più possibile leechare mana a mostri o nemici che l'hanno finito.
                        3) Il mana leechato è casuale e dipende da spirit speak.

                        Vuol dire che fare il ciccione sarà impossibile e bisognerà cambiare template?
                        Bhe al ciccione il mana secondo me ti serviva poco non penso sarà impossibile basta avere piu mr sul pvm :P.



                        • #27
                          quando sono in wraith form col mago-necro e casto delle spell,il pg si muove come se stesse attaccando qualcosa,penso sia un bug xkè prima nn me l'aveva mai fatto


                          • #28
                   e stato fixato l'armatura dello swamp del parox?

                            Grazie Kashmir per la firma

                            "Finchè il colore della pelle sarà più importante del colore degli occhi sarà sempre guerra"

                            Icq: 634-557-453


                            • #29
                              Originariamente inviato da jericho.1991 Visualizza il messaggio
                              quando sono in wraith form col mago-necro e casto delle spell,il pg si muove come se stesse attaccando qualcosa,penso sia un bug xkè prima nn me l'aveva mai fatto
                              E' la nuova animazione del cast ^^

                              Originariamente inviato da riccardino Visualizza il messaggio
                     e stato fixato l'armatura dello swamp del parox?
                              No ...del resto nn c'è scritto nel post iniziale >_>


                              • #30
                                Originariamente inviato da jericho.1991 Visualizza il messaggio
                                quando sono in wraith form col mago-necro e casto delle spell,il pg si muove come se stesse attaccando qualcosa,penso sia un bug xkè prima nn me l'aveva mai fatto
                                E' l'animazione del casting, prima non c'era

                                Originariamente inviato da riccardino Visualizza il messaggio
                       e stato fixato l'armatura dello swamp del parox?
                                L'hai letto da qualche parte? Non mi sembra...



                                Sto operando...