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bug peacemaking (forse)

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  • bug peacemaking (forse)

    Forse ho trovato un bug sulla skill peacemaking... non so se è stratics che sbaglia o se è su dreams che peace è implementato male... sì perchè io ho music 110 e peace 101 e pacio Oni col 100% di probabilità (o almeno, ne avrò paciati decine, più volte ciascuno: mai successo di sbagliare).

    Su stratics ( ) inserisco i miei dati e mi dice che ho solo il 69% di paciare. Dove sta l'errore?

    La stessa cosa capita con praticamente ogni mostro, Hiryu, Blood (paragon e non). E'stratics che ha le percentuali troppo basse o è uo dreams che è buggato?

    PS E prima di venirmi a dire "n00b è questione di chiulo fatevi un po'i conti: 10 oni, 10 lesser hiryu, 3 hiryu al giorno per una settimana. Ciascuno con diversi check usati. Mai cannato un solo tiro".
    Who is Kaiser Souze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Souze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.

  • #2
    Nono hai ragione, e' segnalato anche da un bel po'



    • #3
      Strano, ho fatto una ricerca sul forum ma tutti parlano di un problema contrario, cioè che non riescono a paciare anche se su stratics danno loro un 100% di probabilità.
      Who is Kaiser Souze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Souze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.


      • #4
        non è che usi uno strumento exc?
        Firma Irregolare - Loki Ex GN Admin -
        Bye bye


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da fedegoal
          non è che usi uno strumento exc?
          no, un lute normalissimo comprato dal vendor.
          Who is Kaiser Souze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Souze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.


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