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BUG with laagg, or maybe hack

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  • BUG with laagg, or maybe hack

    there are bug, laag occurs when someone try ti fight PvP with AOT, ot maybe this os hack???

    but seems admins dont want to fix it

    i suppouse that AOT is admins friends guild and they are tolerate

    i hope admins will fix this, otherwise this is a cheeters shard for friend of admins

    if i am wrong pls excuse me

    btw. i speak english bad

  • #2
    I am one of them. I have the same lags as you do, it's not our fault. Anyway i cant understand where ideas like this one comes from, people are just jealous or dumb ? Everytime world lags all of our guys write "LAG ??" "WTF ?" in Uo Automap.


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da mike
      there are bug, laag occurs when someone try ti fight PvP with AOT, ot maybe this os hack???

      but seems admins dont want to fix it

      i suppouse that AOT is admins friends guild and they are tolerate

      i hope admins will fix this, otherwise this is a cheeters shard for friend of admins

      if i am wrong pls excuse me

      btw. i speak english bad
      Ahh sry its me Lalla The Thug hacking the server. Next time ill see ya ill test my new HaxCrax script what makes your computer shit raw diamonds -,-


      • #4
        Originariamente inviato da Keffu
        Ahh sry its me Lalla The Thug hacking the server. Next time ill see ya ill test my new HaxCrax script what makes your computer shit raw diamonds -,-
        NICE ), you are the man :P

        great job Keffu.. are you admin or what ??

        i can pick this diamond up to you ***, on makro, do you want a duel ???


        • #5
          Before time I wrote that have people that use hack ... and they used in the bad case. stop and after small time I stop move and the next time he come. 3hits and I'm dead.
          all said that from ping and so on. but I'm nor sure that they know more better from us the problem. I played with lots playerd around on raid and no lag, no stop moving, nothing.. but from some guilds and player all have .. and they move fast from more from normal.
          So If poeple don't know have 8 sweed hacks that I know for them .. what .. all to play with hack? It's not normal..
          and for all that thinks that know more .. the problem is not that somebody play with ping 2ms and 20 ms and so on ... because we are from easy but we are not stupied and maybe for most thing we are more smart !
          some of us work with this every day like a sis. admins and so on ... so check ... all and other:
          In this shard only people not from Italy must take all guilt ?
          Because some Italian steal from other account something sell it to other ... and this other are in jail, without item or maybe ban ?
          Some of us.. most play for plesure... and It's a shame to call somebody that is 28 -38 years old that he is a thift and hacker. Most of us play after work for pleasure, to forget working day.. but one day maybe you will understand that I want to say .. but when will be to late !!!

          Best regards,
          La Dea di Aria
          You can waste a whole lifetime
          Trying to be
          What you think is expected of you
          But you'll never be free!


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da mike
            there are bug, laag occurs when someone try ti fight PvP with AOT, ot maybe this os hack???

            but seems admins dont want to fix it

            i suppouse that AOT is admins friends guild and they are tolerate

            i hope admins will fix this, otherwise this is a cheeters shard for friend of admins

            if i am wrong pls excuse me

            btw. i speak english bad

            quoto -.-

            gli aot c'hanno pure un hack che appena entrano nella mia visuale il mio pet mi dismonta in auto e scappa via lasciandomi lì a piedi pronto per essere segato....

            ..... ma suvvia nn diciamo cavolate!

            cmq la sezione rosik è la prima in alto :P


            • #7
              Originariamente inviato da mike
              NICE ), you are the man :P

              great job Keffu.. are you admin or what ??

              i can pick this diamond up to you ***, on makro, do you want a duel ???
              Yeah we can duel. But are you sure you can bare with my Thuggin_duelz0r.txt :O? Im gonna jam jam jaaaaam your pc mate so beware Aot For The Win omg rofl haxor. Honeybunnys from the paperdoll contest I love you <3


              • #8
                There is no such thing as hacks. Try out spell paralyze ;] anyway I didnt have any problems before I joined minax, and I dont have any problems now. The world freeze for 1-3 seconds is a common thing these days, but as everyone already know - server had some crashes also. It's not connected to players, As far as I know there weren't any hacks for uo till now, and it would be quite stupid to invent hacks for so old game. If the hacks didnt come out when uo was released, then I think there wont be any hacks now.


                • #9
                  Originariamente inviato da Asgard
                  There is no such thing as hacks. Try out spell paralyze ;] anyway I didnt have any problems before I joined minax, and I dont have any problems now. The world freeze for 1-3 seconds is a common thing these days, but as everyone already know - server had some crashes also. It's not connected to players, As far as I know there weren't any hacks for uo till now, and it would be quite stupid to invent hacks for so old game. If the hacks didnt come out when uo was released, then I think there wont be any hacks now.
                  axaxaxa, there are many hacks i can post you a link, axaxaxa, the freeze is not a porblem till freezee every one :P

                  this happends only with some players, for example if i fight with you there ho lag, if we are 80 players there no lag, but when some of AOT or from PK italians come, whell then are LAAAG big laaaagg

                  this is hack ot cheeting us... so if admins dont fix thix, so maybe whole word will know what cheeters shard is this uogateway will be firs, and there ara some more bugs in this shard and probaly i can psot them, so restart will be inevitable :P

                  and why when some one is guilty there are peoples from our ally in jail ??

                  amdir ot loki i have been wrote to you many times in UO, but there is no answer...

                  i will waith till tomorow, and if there are no answer from you i will be post on every forum related to UO about you shard and bugs here...

                  and amdir and loki knows that i know other thing that this cheet, there are some BIG bugs on this shard, and i will cause restart of server and everiting wiil lost for you guys you have achieved for many years, this will be only mistake from admins if they not answer me in the UO for prvate chat

                  you admins have 10 more hours, from now, so decision is your`s, and you must in excange for time my friend have been in jail do do something
                  Ultima modifica di Ospite; 24-09-2006, 01:02.


                  • #10
                    Woah! Mike you write a lot of bullshit, you know ? :P
                    R u sure dat u c4n #4x0r & b10\/\/ uP teh s3rv3r ? Even if you'll do, Amdir will just reload an old save... pwn3d ?!


                    • #11
                      Originariamente inviato da Axf
                      Woah! Mike you write a lot of bullshit, you know ? :P
                      R u sure dat u c4n #4x0r & b10\/\/ uP teh s3rv3r ? Even if you'll do, Amdir will just reload an old save... pwn3d ?!
                      lets waith for 10 more hours and we all will see, who is right and who is wrong, i will appraise if admins fix some major bugs :P


                      • #12
                        Lo scrivo una volta per tutte, chissà che impariate.... (qualcuno traduca perchè nn vorrei scrivere boiate in inglese )

                        Le principali cause di lag durante il combattimento sono (escludendo le cose classiche come connessione, cpu, ecc...)
                        - Spell turn: quando lanciate una magia il vostro pg viene puntato verso il bersaglio e se stavate correndo questo causa una botta di lag
                        - Ricorsività: quando si è paralizzati spesso e volentieri si continua a correre facendo così apparire 10000000 messaggini "you are frozen and cannot move" e quando vi sbloccate il pg scatta.

                        Con tutta la buona volontà possiamo ottimizzare lievemente questi effetti, ma il modo migliore per evitare la lag (in questi 2 casi) viene dal buon senso del giocatore...
                        Ecco i modi migliori per ovviare i problemi elencati sopra:
                        - Se sapete che lanciando una spell venite ruotati verso il bersaglio, cercate di essere già in direzione così il server non vi volterà con la forza ed eviterete la botta di lag.
                        - Quando siete paralizzati è inutile continuare a muoversi, se lo fate ricevete tantissimi pacchetti col messaggino che riempiranno il buffer di ricezione causandovi una notevole lag quando finirà la paralisi

                        Ovviamente gli effetti sopraelencati generano maggiore lag con connessioni lente ma inevitabilmente la generano.


                        • #13
                          Originariamente inviato da Pinco
                          Lo scrivo una volta per tutte, chissà che impariate.... (qualcuno traduca perchè nn vorrei scrivere boiate in inglese )

                          Le principali cause di lag durante il combattimento sono (escludendo le cose classiche come connessione, cpu, ecc...)
                          - Spell turn: quando lanciate una magia il vostro pg viene puntato verso il bersaglio e se stavate correndo questo causa una botta di lag
                          - Ricorsività: quando si è paralizzati spesso e volentieri si continua a correre facendo così apparire 10000000 messaggini "you are frozen and cannot move" e quando vi sbloccate il pg scatta.

                          Con tutta la buona volontà possiamo ottimizzare lievemente questi effetti, ma il modo migliore per evitare la lag (in questi 2 casi) viene dal buon senso del giocatore...
                          Ecco i modi migliori per ovviare i problemi elencati sopra:
                          - Se sapete che lanciando una spell venite ruotati verso il bersaglio, cercate di essere già in direzione così il server non vi volterà con la forza ed eviterete la botta di lag.
                          - Quando siete paralizzati è inutile continuare a muoversi, se lo fate ricevete tantissimi pacchetti col messaggino che riempiranno il buffer di ricezione causandovi una notevole lag quando finirà la paralisi

                          Ovviamente gli effetti sopraelencati generano maggiore lag con connessioni lente ma inevitabilmente la generano.
                          excuse me, but speak english, ot shit up..

                          there are many players that dont speak and undarstand italian, and thay dont care for this language..

                          btw. dont talk to me bulshits, my CPU is like this that you are dreaming for
                          Ultima modifica di Ospite; 24-09-2006, 01:13.


                          • #14
                            I say to someone to traslate it, my english is too bad

                            I try, if you dont understand ... ask someone to traslate

                            2 factor make lag during the battle (exclude CPU, connection, etc...)
                            - Spell turn: when you cast a spell you will face the target and this make some lag
                            - Paralize: when you are paralized and start moving you will receive thousand of message "you are frozen and cannot move" and this overload the buffer. When you can move again whit full buffer you are very lagged

                            We can make a little fix but the best way to resolve this come from players. Here the solution:
                            - try to cast spell faced to the target, in this case the server never turn you and there is no lag
                            - when you are frozen dont move, this is unusefull and make you laggy when you are free again

                            The other lag problem is caused only from connection and cpu, if your cpu is fast and your connection have no packet loss (or spyware) try to stay away from the mass of mobiles, this can help you some...
                            There are no possible hack or script which can make lag or crash.


                            • #15
                              amdir or loki you have 9.30 hours left, i have say enoght, fot start you must reLEase all my friends and allys from jail INMEDIATLY, after this e cam discuse bugs and haks on this shard and you must fix them...

                              i will not post anymore till tomorrow, and my post tomorrow will depens from you


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