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[BUG]defence chance and hit chance Bug

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  • [BUG]defence chance and hit chance Bug

    i think there is a bug with hci and dci, yesterday i was fighting some guys, and ifailed like hell the hit... my char is 120 swords and hci 45 dci 45 and they hit me like hell, also i fought my brother,, he has a 115 sword 32hci and i couldnt hit him... there was a lot of failed hits and parryied one, he has only 115 parry, also today an archer was hitting me, a friend of mine, he has 120 archery and 40hci, my tamer has 0 dci and no weapon skill no parry and he failed a lot, he hit me like 2 or 3 times.... i dont know if it is my imagination,,, but i think this is a bug

  • #2
    reroll mage


    • #3
      i have the same problem with my mage, 45hci and fencing 120


      • #4
        welcome to run uo
        Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
        Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
        Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
        ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
        credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
        C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da Doomtrooper
          welcome to run uo
          LOL tx


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