Come Ogni anno torna
l'Halloween Pumpkin Collection
In questo evento dovrete accumulare delle "Special Halloween Pumkpin"
che saranno poi consegnate ad un collection nella solita
Area Party di Halloween
L'evento avrà inizio giorno 30 Ottobre alle 10:00
e terminerà l'11 Novembre 2020
Potrete trovare le Special Halloween Pumpkin:
Al Champion Spawn di Neira (Deceit) su Felucca
Completando la Quest [Event] It's Halloween Time - The Ashes Of Batlin(solo una volta)
Come Reward finale completando ogni giro del Dungeon The Dark Path
Eccovi la lista dei premi ritirabili dal collector:
Skeleton (2 direction - 4 piece)
Umbria's Hemlock
Giant Serpent Teeth
Lamp Post (Round Style)
Horn Of Plenty
Ancestral Gravestone
Crystal Skull
Obsidian Skull
Jade Skull
Decorative Black Cypress Tree Decorative Black Cypress Tree
Decorative Black Spider Tree
Decorative Black Hedge
Decorative Black Hedge
A Burned Tree Of Umbra
My Nightmare (Bara)
A Broken Moongate
Tome Of The Abyss
Pact Of The Abyss
1) Horn Of Plenty
Simile alla cornucopia possiede 10 cariche, nel periodo di Novembre riacquista alcune cariche, doppiocliccandola si potranno ricevere alcuni item tra cui quelli esposti nella foto a fianco ovvero:
- Buffet Table (piazzabile in due direzioni)
- A Deed to a Rotating Pig On A Spit (piazzabile in due direzioni)
- Coffee Plant (cresce in 3 stadi se lokkata in casa e dà dei Coffee Pod ogni tot tempo)
- Formal Dining Table (piazzabile in due direzioni)
Oltre questi 4 item saranno ottenibili i sueguenti item o effetti:
Sweet Potato Pie
Turkey Leg
Può uscire doppiocliccando quest'item una Tameable Turkey "*gobble* *gobble*"
Ogni tanto doppiocliccandola potrà capitare che non esca alcun premio ma verrete messi in uno stato di sleep "*ZzzzZzzzZzzzZ*"
2) Ancestral Gravestone
Questo speciale item permette di acquisire +5 punti nella skill Spirit Speak se viene doppiocliccato, l'effetto avrà una durata limitata ed eccede i cap della skill o dello skillcap, riutilizzabile con un delay di 90 secondi.
3) Tome Of The Abyss
Versione speciale dello spellbook di tokuno "Tome Of Lost Knowledge"
4) Pact Of The Abyss
Versione speciale della "Staff Of Magi" di Doom
Like every year it comes back
the Halloween Pumpkin Collection
In this event you need to catch the "Special Halloween Pumkpin"
which will be delivered to a collector npc in the usual
Halloween Party Area
The event will start on October 30th at 10:00
and will end on 11 November 2020
You can find the Special Halloween Pumpkin:
At the Champion Spawn in Neira (Deceit) on Felucca
By completing the Quest [Event] It's Halloween Time - The Ashes Of Batlin(once one time)
As a final Reward by completing each round of Dungeon The Dark Path
Here is the list of prizes that can be collected from the collector:
Skeleton (2 direction - 4 piece)
Umbria's Hemlock
Giant Serpent Teeth
Lamp Post (Round Style)
Horn Of Plenty
Ancestral Gravestone
Crystal Skull
Obsidian Skull
Jade Skull
Decorative Black Cypress Tree Decorative Black Cypress Tree
Decorative Black Spider Tree
Decorative Black Hedge
Decorative Black Hedge
A Burned Tree Of Umbra
My Nightmare (Bara)
A Broken Moongate
Tome Of The Abyss
Pact Of The Abyss
1) Horn Of Plenty
Similar to the cornucopia it has 10 charges, in the period of November it reacquires some charges, double-clicking it you can receive some items including those shown in the photo alongside, namely:
- Buffet Table (can be placed in two directions)
- A Deed to a Rotating Pig On A Spit (can be placed in two directions)
- Coffee Plant (grows in 3 stages if locked at home and gives Coffee Pods every certain time)
- Formal Dining Table (can be placed in two directions)
Beyond these 4 items, the following items or effects will be obtained:
Sweet Potato Pie
Turkey Leg
A Tameable Turkey "* gobble * * gobble *" can come out by double clicking this item
Sometimes double clicking it may happen that no prize comes out but and you will be put in a sleep state "* ZzzzZzzzZzzzZ *"
2) Ancestral Gravestone
This special item allows you to acquire +5 points in the Spirit Speak skill if it is double-clicked, the effect will have a limited duration and exceeds the cap of the skill or skill cap, reusable with a delay of 90 seconds.
3) Tome Of The Abyss
Special version of Tokuno's "Tome Of Lost Knowledge" spellbook
4) Pact Of The Abyss
Special version of Doom's "Staff Of Magi"