"Ei fu’. il pvpper immobile,
dato il mortal e l’ignore,
stette la spoglia immemore
orba di tanto spiro,
così parallato, poisonato,
a terra adesso stà,
muto pensando all’ultimo
colpo che fu’ fatale;
nè sa quando si resserà
orma di piè nemico
la sua cruenta polvere
a lootare verrà...."
dato il mortal e l’ignore,
stette la spoglia immemore
orba di tanto spiro,
così parallato, poisonato,
a terra adesso stà,
muto pensando all’ultimo
colpo che fu’ fatale;
nè sa quando si resserà
orma di piè nemico
la sua cruenta polvere
a lootare verrà...."
E’ il momento di prendersi la rivincita
E’ il momento di dimostrare la vostra forza
Chi saranno i vincitori e chi saranno i vinti?
Fatevi avanti...
Siete tutti invitati a partecipare al torneo
che si svolgerà in Arena
Giovedì 05/05/2016 a partire dalle 21:30
Per le iscrizioni e le regole del torneo postate qui:
3 Vs 3 Death Tournament Rules and Subscriptions
"He has passed. The pvpper still,
When the mortal and the ignore was given,
Lay the unremindful spoil
Whence so great a soul was riven;
So the Earth, parallized and poisoned
At the announcement, stands amazed
Silent, pondering on that last
Fateful hit; nor, when he will be ressed
By mortal foot shall yet be looted
The dust upon his bloody breast."
"He has passed. The pvpper still,
When the mortal and the ignore was given,
Lay the unremindful spoil
Whence so great a soul was riven;
So the Earth, parallized and poisoned
At the announcement, stands amazed
Silent, pondering on that last
Fateful hit; nor, when he will be ressed
By mortal foot shall yet be looted
The dust upon his bloody breast."
It's time to take revenge
It's time to show your strength
Who will be the winners and who will be the loosers?
Come forward...
You're all invited to participate to the tournament
that will take place in Arena
on Thursday 05/05/2016 at 21:30
For the tournament sign-up and regulation post here:
3 Vs 3 Death Tournament Rules and Subscriptions
It's time to show your strength
Who will be the winners and who will be the loosers?
Come forward...
You're all invited to participate to the tournament
that will take place in Arena
on Thursday 05/05/2016 at 21:30
For the tournament sign-up and regulation post here:
3 Vs 3 Death Tournament Rules and Subscriptions