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[Mini-Quest] James the unmindful

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  • [Mini-Quest] James the unmindful


    , uno sbadato viaggiatore, ha smarrito diversi oggetti in alcuni luoghi da lui visitati pochi giorni fa.

    Oggi, ore 14.20: James invoca l'aiuto di umili cavalieri, affinchè questi potessero aiutarlo a recuperare i suoi strumenti.
    Oggi, ore 14.30: Numerosi cavalieri si dirigono alla banca di Umbra, dove vi è James ad attenderli. Egli ha preparato delle indicazioni circa i suoi ultimi viaggi.
    Giusto il tempo per spiegare la situazione, e i cavalieri si dissolvono nella magia dei Moongate.
    Oggi, ore 15.15: Alcuni cavalieri hanno recuperato gli averi di James e, per la gioia di quest'ultimo, glieli hanno consegnati.

    Presto posterò degli screenshots!



    Today, 2.20 PM: James, a mindful traveler, asked for help to some brave knights in Umbra. He lost some of his tools, and he wanted to find them.
    Today, 2.30 PM: A group of warriors listened the request of help of James and came to Umbra. James prepared the infos about the places he visited, and after the knights leave to find his tools: a pair of gloves, glasses, sandals and a red staff.
    Today, 3.15 PM: Some volunteers recovered his tools and brought them to him.

    Enjoy UOD.
    Ultima modifica di Ospite; 24-02-2010, 21:17.

  • #2
    solo 20 qp
    ICQ: 203·931·054
    "Sai, fortunatamente io rispetto un regime di droghe piuttosto rigido
    per mantenere la mente, diciamo, flessibile."
    -Jeffrey Lebowski-


    • #3

      I would suggest to inform the mini-quest and events in the news of the page of uodreams and insert the informations in English as well.
      The Carnival eg all the information in trivia was in Italian, is very difficult to player that dont know Italian.
      Thanks in advanced!!!!!


      • #4
        Nice mini quest. I got 20 qp too. Thanks
        Trinity [D|M] - I come with peace
        Theia [D|M] - Watch your back noob!
        TheCrow [D|M] - Hard Doomer


        • #5
          Complimentoni per la quest... Mi sono accorto che Ilshenar è parecchio gdr ...


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da mmassoni Visualizza il messaggio
            I would suggest to inform the mini-quest and events in the news of the page of uodreams and insert the informations in English as well.
            The Carnival eg all the information in trivia was in Italian, is very difficult to player that dont know Italian.
            Thanks in advanced!!!!!
            The Mini-Quest is a Flash Event, organized (and also created) at the moment!

            A GM Quester can start it noticing the public with a broadcast message in game.
            I'm sorry but I forgot to write it in this thread =)


            • #7
              Originariamente inviato da AntaresStaff Visualizza il messaggio
              The Mini-Quest is a Flash Event, organized (and also created) at the moment!

              A GM Quester can start it noticing the public with a broadcast message in game.
              I'm sorry but I forgot to write it in this thread =)

              Ok no problems thanks again!!!!!!!


              Sto operando...