Current Events:
Today, I was writing a reportage about Santa Clause, just given the gifts he has ....
taken his sledge and has begun to deliver the delivery in the city.
La cronaca:
oggi stavo facendo un reportage su Babbo Natale,
aveva appena finito di consegnare dei doni e .....
But there was an issue: bad fireplace...... sledge was damaged!!
Finally, Santa can restart his voyage!
At the end, he was tired and fallen asleep next to the fireplace. I went out quietly, and I knew that he had to complete his turn!
But when I returned back, He disappeared! I found a ticket: the gnomes kidnapped him!!
The little reindeer showed me the road marked by the predators and following it, I arrived to a big oak tree. I entered into it and I saw..... Gnomes' village!!
We have to set Santa Clause free!!!
Come to the big oak tree Friday december 26th at 6.00 PM! Call your friends! We'll expect you!
***Quest difficulty: 3
in Gnomes' Village pets CANNOT ENTER!!
Quest performs on Trammel and Felucca.
After Santa Clause rescue, you can complete the quest.
During the quest you cannot use: invisibility spells, recall, Sacred Journey, gate travel, shadowjump, teleport and hiding skill.
*If you want to enjoy the quest better, we advise to update your client to the last version.*
Dobbiamo liberare babbo natale!!!!!!!!!
Venite tutti venerdì 26 dicembre alle ore 18 alla grande quercia e chiamate i vostri amici Vi aspettiamo!!
***quest per tutti difficoltà 3.
Al paese degli gnomi non possono entrare i pet!
La quest si svolge su trammel e felucca.
Una volta liberato Babbo Natale chi vuole completare la quest puo' farlo.
Per tutto il percorso sarà impossibile usare le spell invisibility, recall, gate, mark, sacredjurnay, shadowjump, teleporter e la skill Hiding.
*Se volete godere al meglio la quest vi consiglio di updatare il client all'ultima versione*