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Miglior Architetto - Best Architect (Giuria Popolare)

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  • #16
    Originariamente inviato da aZaZello
    заметь придурок, это не я тебе написал, чтож за гнида ты мелкая ^^
    i'm not small as u remember.. my consitution much stronger then urs.. and our ages almost equal.. mentally i'm at least not younger then u.. so ur words just another garbage from ur mouth.

    i don't care who wrote to me this shit.. u or eventualis.. actually i was here only cause ur silly friend wrote to me.. any contest should be honest or shouldn't be at all.. since i know as russians acting... and how many votes they can make for nothing..

    hah.. btw.. look at urself.. u angry as a freak cause seems u want to win... even with fake votes..
    take it easy boy. become the man and look at all contest like a man, boy

    btw ... we both know that i can count at least 40 persons who can enter this forum and vote blindfolded...
    russian forum read much more players than write on it. some times they can make a favour too..
    Ultima modifica di remudsar; 08-01-2007, 21:19.


    • #17
      Originariamente inviato da darksoul
      i'm not small as u remember.. my consitution much stronger then urs.. and our ages almost equal.. mentally i'm at least not younger then u.. so ur words just another garbage from ur mouth.

      i don't care who wrote to me this shit.. u or eventualis.. actually i was here only cause ur silly friend wrote to me.. any contest should be honest or shouldn't be at all.. since i know as russians acting... and how many votes they can make for nothing..

      hah.. btw.. look at urself.. u angry as a freak cause seems u want to win... even with fake votes..
      take it easy boy. become the man and look at all contest like a man, boy

      btw ... we both know that i can count at least 40 persons who can enter this forum and vote blindfolded...
      russian forum read much more players than write on it. some times they can make a favour too..
      angry noob, nothing else ^^
      Ultima modifica di KODE2882; 09-01-2007, 04:54.


      • #18



        • #19
          LARGI Sè io ho fatto questa publicità nn vedo dove sia il problema mi hai messo in ignore cosa mi fai????

          bho... nn vedo xkè rosikare solo xkè una persona ha detto la verità sul tuo conto.....

          ICQ-----> 330 539 180 <-----


          • #20
            Originariamente inviato da aZaZello
            angry noob, nothing else ^^
            we have other two day to create 100 or 1000 new account voting for ..... , remember I'am an angry Noob but i never lose with angry lamer.

            This is corrected ?
            ah OK you tell : this is life.... OK
            Ultima modifica di wlatt; 09-01-2007, 01:43.


            • #21
              Another OT or flame and i punish for all.



              • #22
                Non ho capito se verranno premiati solo i primi di ogni categoria o ci sara' primo, secondo e terzo. Dalla descrizione non e' troppo chiaro.
                Nihil est - il Male [-OB-]


                • #23
                  Originariamente inviato da Maestro Kakashi
                  we have other two day to create 100 or 1000 new account voting for ..... , remember I'am an angry Noob but i never lose with angry lamer.

                  This is corrected ?
                  ah OK you tell : this is life.... OK
                  I ask staff to check up all who voted here including for me

                  I am assured on 99.99 % that all who voted for me, they are the real people playing on these shard, but I am not assured that on my contenders are as much fair, especially after statement Maestro Kakashi


                  • #24
                    +1 x aranel

                    - MIAMI SUPERCOPS -
                    "I poliziotti dell'ottava strada"
                    Space Trip [LvX]
                    John McLane[EOS]
                    Yasha Marciano[EOS]
           <<NON SONO UN DIO.


                    • #25
                      FRa quanto terminanoi e fra quanto si sa il premio staff a chi è dato?
                      KNiVeS ThE EvIL [A|A] Ethereal GM & VAsh ThE AngEl [LDS] & Kill Adder II [LDS]


                      • #26
                        Originariamente inviato da KnIvEs ThE EvIL
                        FRa quanto terminanoi e fra quanto si sa il premio staff a chi è dato?

                        Alle 12 chiudono le votazioni, poi più tardi faremo la proclamazione dei vincitori, lo staff gia ha votato, si saprà tutto nel pomeriggio

                        Ci sarà solo il 1° posto.


                        Sto operando...