Ecco la traduzione inglese di una parte del Ramayana, dove si descrive la partenza di un velivolo da una montagna. La vampata di fuoco, il tremore della Terra, gli animali impauriti. Il velivolo passa poi sopra l'oceano dove il suo spostamento d'aria va a creare grandi onde. Viene persino descritto il sibilo dell'aria che passa in mezzo a quelle che vengono definite "le braccia" del velivolo.
After that, Hanuma, the destroyer of foes, desired to travel in the sky where celestials like chaaranas tread, to search for Seetha, who was taken away by Ravana. Hanuma who desired to perform a deed done by no one else, shone like a bull without any obstacles, with his stretched neck and raised head.
He saluted with joined palms to the Sun-God, Lord Indra, God of Wind, Lord Brahma and Bhutas and decided to leave. Hanuma turned towards east, saluted his father, the Lord of Wind and increased his body to go towards southern direction. With all the Vanaras seeing, Hanuma decided to fly and like an ocean swelling on full moon days, grew for Sri Rama's success. With a desire to cross the ocean, Hanuma grew his body immeasurably and pressed the mountain with his feet and hands.
Thus tormented by Hanuma, that mountain shook for an instant and showered all flowers of trees on it. Covered all through by those fragrant flowers which fell down from the trees, that mountain shone like a mountain made of flowers. That mountain shed water like an elephant in rut emitting rut juice, after being pressed by the mighty Hanuma. Pressed by that mighty Hanuma, streaks of gold silver and antimony color appeared on the Mahendra mountain. Huge Rocks of Sulfur were also shot forth from that mountain, just as a fire burning with a medium flame would emit columns of smoke. Being pressed on all sides by the mountain which itself was being pressed by Hanuma, creatures living in the caves of that mountain shrieked in horrifying tones. That loud noise from creatures which emanated because of stress caused to the mountain, filled the earth and all four directions and forests near that mountain. Great snakes with clear swastika signs on their hoods, spewed out frightening flames with their great heads and bit the rocks with their teeth. Then those great rocks bit by those snakes with anger and venom, burned due to the flame and split into thousand pieces. Medicinal herbs from that mountain, although capable of destroying ordinary poisons, could not neutralize the poison from those snakes.
Ascetics residing on that mountain flew away from there thinking that some demons were destroying it. Vidhyadharas who lived there, became afraid and flew away with their women folk, leaving behind them golden jugs of wine in the liquor house, gold vases, a varieties of sauces that can be licked, eatables, various meats, skins of oxen and swords with golden hilts. The intoxicated Vidyadharas with garlands around their neck, decked with red flower garlands and smeared with sandal paste, with reddened eyes, and with lotus shaped eyes, obtained the sky. (...)
He, who is equal to a mountain, shook his hair, quivered his body and let out a great roar like from a vast cloud. About to fly, Hanuma jolted his tail, which was rolled into a circle from top to bottom, and which was covered with hair, just as Garuda, the king of birds would jolt a snake. Receiving his vigor, the tail curled at his back was seen like a great serpent being stolen by Garuda. Hanuma firmly supported his arms (on the mountain surface) which resembled huge iron clubs, crouched the waist and contracted his feet. Bending shoulders and neck, that mighty and glorious Hanuma, increased his energy, strength and courage. With his eyes raised up, seeing the way from a distance, viewing the sky, he held his breath in his heart. That mighty Hanuma, equal to an elephant among monkeys and the best among Vanaras, stood firmly with his legs, bent his ears and before flying spoke these words to the Vanaras - "I will go to the city of Lanka, ruled by Ravana just like an arrow released by Rama will go, with wind-like speed. If I do not see the daughter of Janaka there, I will go with the same speed to the abode of gods. If I do not see Seetha there in heaven, I will get Ravana the king of raakshasaas tied up in chains without any effort. I will, in all events, return successfully along with Seetha or I will get Lanka along with Ravana after uprooting it."
The best among Vanaras, Hanuma, spoke in this way to Vanaras and then without thinking about anything else, flew up with lot of vigor. That great monkey also thought himself equal to Garuda, the king of birds. While he was flying up, due to that force, all trees on that mountain flew away in all directions, drawing together all their branches. While flying in the sky, he took along with him, because of the force of his thighs, trees shining with flowers and with fattened lapwing birds. The trees thus being held aloft by the speed of Hanuma's thighs, followed him for a while just as relatives would follow their loved ones embarking on a long journey. Uprooted by the force of Hanuma's thighs, Sal and other excellent trees followed Hanuma like soldiers following their king. Hanuma the great monkey presented a wonderful sight, with his mountain-like appearance together with the well flowered trees. After that, powerful trees sank into the salt ocean like mountains sinking into ocean due to fear of Mahendra. That Hanuma who was equal to a cloud, covered with flowers of various kinds, shoots and buds, shone like a mountain with fireflies. Those trees which were released by Hanuma's speed, dropped flowers and fell down in the water like friends going back after bidding farewell to their dear one. Set in motion by the wind from the movement of Hanuma, that variety of blossom, with various hues, from the trees fell down into the sea. That great ocean shone like the sky filled with stars. Hanuma shone like a cloud in the sky decorated by lightening, with flowers of various hues sticking to his body. That sea water looked like the sky with delightful stars rising up, with flowers flown up by Hanuma's speed.
That sky-borne Hanuma's arms which were spread out, were seen like five-headed serpents coming out of a mountain's peak. That great monkey shone like one who is drinking the great sea together with its waves. He also seemed like one who desires to drink the whole of sky. The eyes of that Hanuma, who was following the path of sky, which had a brilliance equal to that of lightening, were shining like two fires on a mountain. The round, wide, reddish brown eyes of Hanuma, the best among the monkeys shone like fully risen sun and moon. The ruddy face of Hanuma, with His reddish face shone like the Sun touched by dusk. The tail of Hanuma, the son of Vayu floating in the sky, being risen up looked like the pillar erected in honor of Indra. The great intellectual Hanuma, with his great body, and with white teeth, shone like the Sun, being surrounded by his circular tail. That great monkey Hanuma, with his red colored buttocks, shone like a mountain with a large deposit of red Gairika herb broken into pieces. Air passing through the lion among monkeys Hanuma's arm pits sounded like a thundering cloud. The best among monkeys Hanuma flying thus in the sky, looked like a meteor darting away with great speed in the sky from northern direction.
With a fast pace equaling that of Sun god, the tall Hanuma shone like an elephant which increases its size when being festered by a rope. Then Hanuma who was flying above the ocean with his body above the ocean and his shadow being immersed in the sea below, looked like a boat being driven by wind. Whatever place Hanuma went towards on the ocean, that place became agitated due to the force of thighs. That great monkey with great speed flew in the sky striking with his chest series of waves which had a great body like that of mountains. Wind from the mighty Hanuma and the wind released from the clouds caused the ocean with a fearful sound to shake a lot. Hanuma flew in the sky dragging along with him big waves from the ocean as though he were sprinkling them in the sky. Hanuma with great speed crossed waves which were equal to Mount Meru and Mount Mandara, that had risen up in the sea, as if counting them. Then the water together with clouds which was driven up by the force of Hanuma, shone like a stretched autumnal cloud in the sky. Then various whales, fishes, turtles and crocodiles were being seen clearly in the sea just as bodies of humans would be seen when clothes are removed. Serpents living in the sea saw Hanuma flying in the sky and thought that it was Garuda, the king of birds. Hanuma's shadow which was ten yojanas wide and thirty yojanas long appeared very beautiful on water. That shadow which was following Hanuma and spread on the ocean, shone like a series of dense white clouds.
He saluted with joined palms to the Sun-God, Lord Indra, God of Wind, Lord Brahma and Bhutas and decided to leave. Hanuma turned towards east, saluted his father, the Lord of Wind and increased his body to go towards southern direction. With all the Vanaras seeing, Hanuma decided to fly and like an ocean swelling on full moon days, grew for Sri Rama's success. With a desire to cross the ocean, Hanuma grew his body immeasurably and pressed the mountain with his feet and hands.
Thus tormented by Hanuma, that mountain shook for an instant and showered all flowers of trees on it. Covered all through by those fragrant flowers which fell down from the trees, that mountain shone like a mountain made of flowers. That mountain shed water like an elephant in rut emitting rut juice, after being pressed by the mighty Hanuma. Pressed by that mighty Hanuma, streaks of gold silver and antimony color appeared on the Mahendra mountain. Huge Rocks of Sulfur were also shot forth from that mountain, just as a fire burning with a medium flame would emit columns of smoke. Being pressed on all sides by the mountain which itself was being pressed by Hanuma, creatures living in the caves of that mountain shrieked in horrifying tones. That loud noise from creatures which emanated because of stress caused to the mountain, filled the earth and all four directions and forests near that mountain. Great snakes with clear swastika signs on their hoods, spewed out frightening flames with their great heads and bit the rocks with their teeth. Then those great rocks bit by those snakes with anger and venom, burned due to the flame and split into thousand pieces. Medicinal herbs from that mountain, although capable of destroying ordinary poisons, could not neutralize the poison from those snakes.
Ascetics residing on that mountain flew away from there thinking that some demons were destroying it. Vidhyadharas who lived there, became afraid and flew away with their women folk, leaving behind them golden jugs of wine in the liquor house, gold vases, a varieties of sauces that can be licked, eatables, various meats, skins of oxen and swords with golden hilts. The intoxicated Vidyadharas with garlands around their neck, decked with red flower garlands and smeared with sandal paste, with reddened eyes, and with lotus shaped eyes, obtained the sky. (...)
He, who is equal to a mountain, shook his hair, quivered his body and let out a great roar like from a vast cloud. About to fly, Hanuma jolted his tail, which was rolled into a circle from top to bottom, and which was covered with hair, just as Garuda, the king of birds would jolt a snake. Receiving his vigor, the tail curled at his back was seen like a great serpent being stolen by Garuda. Hanuma firmly supported his arms (on the mountain surface) which resembled huge iron clubs, crouched the waist and contracted his feet. Bending shoulders and neck, that mighty and glorious Hanuma, increased his energy, strength and courage. With his eyes raised up, seeing the way from a distance, viewing the sky, he held his breath in his heart. That mighty Hanuma, equal to an elephant among monkeys and the best among Vanaras, stood firmly with his legs, bent his ears and before flying spoke these words to the Vanaras - "I will go to the city of Lanka, ruled by Ravana just like an arrow released by Rama will go, with wind-like speed. If I do not see the daughter of Janaka there, I will go with the same speed to the abode of gods. If I do not see Seetha there in heaven, I will get Ravana the king of raakshasaas tied up in chains without any effort. I will, in all events, return successfully along with Seetha or I will get Lanka along with Ravana after uprooting it."
The best among Vanaras, Hanuma, spoke in this way to Vanaras and then without thinking about anything else, flew up with lot of vigor. That great monkey also thought himself equal to Garuda, the king of birds. While he was flying up, due to that force, all trees on that mountain flew away in all directions, drawing together all their branches. While flying in the sky, he took along with him, because of the force of his thighs, trees shining with flowers and with fattened lapwing birds. The trees thus being held aloft by the speed of Hanuma's thighs, followed him for a while just as relatives would follow their loved ones embarking on a long journey. Uprooted by the force of Hanuma's thighs, Sal and other excellent trees followed Hanuma like soldiers following their king. Hanuma the great monkey presented a wonderful sight, with his mountain-like appearance together with the well flowered trees. After that, powerful trees sank into the salt ocean like mountains sinking into ocean due to fear of Mahendra. That Hanuma who was equal to a cloud, covered with flowers of various kinds, shoots and buds, shone like a mountain with fireflies. Those trees which were released by Hanuma's speed, dropped flowers and fell down in the water like friends going back after bidding farewell to their dear one. Set in motion by the wind from the movement of Hanuma, that variety of blossom, with various hues, from the trees fell down into the sea. That great ocean shone like the sky filled with stars. Hanuma shone like a cloud in the sky decorated by lightening, with flowers of various hues sticking to his body. That sea water looked like the sky with delightful stars rising up, with flowers flown up by Hanuma's speed.
That sky-borne Hanuma's arms which were spread out, were seen like five-headed serpents coming out of a mountain's peak. That great monkey shone like one who is drinking the great sea together with its waves. He also seemed like one who desires to drink the whole of sky. The eyes of that Hanuma, who was following the path of sky, which had a brilliance equal to that of lightening, were shining like two fires on a mountain. The round, wide, reddish brown eyes of Hanuma, the best among the monkeys shone like fully risen sun and moon. The ruddy face of Hanuma, with His reddish face shone like the Sun touched by dusk. The tail of Hanuma, the son of Vayu floating in the sky, being risen up looked like the pillar erected in honor of Indra. The great intellectual Hanuma, with his great body, and with white teeth, shone like the Sun, being surrounded by his circular tail. That great monkey Hanuma, with his red colored buttocks, shone like a mountain with a large deposit of red Gairika herb broken into pieces. Air passing through the lion among monkeys Hanuma's arm pits sounded like a thundering cloud. The best among monkeys Hanuma flying thus in the sky, looked like a meteor darting away with great speed in the sky from northern direction.
With a fast pace equaling that of Sun god, the tall Hanuma shone like an elephant which increases its size when being festered by a rope. Then Hanuma who was flying above the ocean with his body above the ocean and his shadow being immersed in the sea below, looked like a boat being driven by wind. Whatever place Hanuma went towards on the ocean, that place became agitated due to the force of thighs. That great monkey with great speed flew in the sky striking with his chest series of waves which had a great body like that of mountains. Wind from the mighty Hanuma and the wind released from the clouds caused the ocean with a fearful sound to shake a lot. Hanuma flew in the sky dragging along with him big waves from the ocean as though he were sprinkling them in the sky. Hanuma with great speed crossed waves which were equal to Mount Meru and Mount Mandara, that had risen up in the sea, as if counting them. Then the water together with clouds which was driven up by the force of Hanuma, shone like a stretched autumnal cloud in the sky. Then various whales, fishes, turtles and crocodiles were being seen clearly in the sea just as bodies of humans would be seen when clothes are removed. Serpents living in the sea saw Hanuma flying in the sky and thought that it was Garuda, the king of birds. Hanuma's shadow which was ten yojanas wide and thirty yojanas long appeared very beautiful on water. That shadow which was following Hanuma and spread on the ocean, shone like a series of dense white clouds.