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  • Gigi d'Alessio
    Una notte al telefono!


    • Bomfunk mc's - b boys and fly girls


      • Metallica - Some kind of Monster
        Da St. Anger

        Life was like a fantasy / Taken by reality / Does anyone remember me / You once knew me
        Flashes of the day / I knew I was here to stay / But no one stays the same

        Lo Spambollino fa FIGO

        Membro del W.A.M. (War Against Mediaset) e presidente del M.A.I. (Musicians Against Ibanez)

        Ex Custode della Topa (R.I.P.) [NCdS]

        Dedico questa riga alla topa. Mi mancherai.


        • Metallica - Dirty Window
          Sempre da St. Anger...

          Life was like a fantasy / Taken by reality / Does anyone remember me / You once knew me
          Flashes of the day / I knew I was here to stay / But no one stays the same

          Lo Spambollino fa FIGO

          Membro del W.A.M. (War Against Mediaset) e presidente del M.A.I. (Musicians Against Ibanez)

          Ex Custode della Topa (R.I.P.) [NCdS]

          Dedico questa riga alla topa. Mi mancherai.


          • Negative creeps - Nirvana

            Grazie a Sergio di Rio per la firma
            >>Sgnarf the Ripper<<


            • Annihilator - Loving Sinner
              Da Criteria for a black widow

              Life was like a fantasy / Taken by reality / Does anyone remember me / You once knew me
              Flashes of the day / I knew I was here to stay / But no one stays the same

              Lo Spambollino fa FIGO

              Membro del W.A.M. (War Against Mediaset) e presidente del M.A.I. (Musicians Against Ibanez)

              Ex Custode della Topa (R.I.P.) [NCdS]

              Dedico questa riga alla topa. Mi mancherai.


              • Ehmmm... sii....... Non ho il titolo
                Cmq è Hip Hop Kaso & maxi B


                • Manowar - Power
                  Icq 69622270 <- Non lo uso più

                  Lo Spambollino faceva FIGO



                  • Bathory - Gods of thunder, of wind and of rain
                    da Blood on Ice

                    Zender R. Velkyn
                    He had a cloak of gold and eyes of fire
                    And as he spoke I felt a deep desire
                    To free the world of its fear and pain
                    And help the people to feel free again
                    Why don't we listen to the voices in our hearts
                    Cause then I know we'd find, we're not so far apart
                    Everybody's got to be happy, everyone should sing
                    For we know the joy of life, the peace that love can bring
                    URIAH HEEP - THE WIZARD (DEMONS AND WIZARDS, 1972)


                    • Amorphis - My Kantele

                      Firma irregolare

                      Volturno - GN Forum Admin


                      • Megadeth - Black Curtains
                        Da Youthanasia

                        Life was like a fantasy / Taken by reality / Does anyone remember me / You once knew me
                        Flashes of the day / I knew I was here to stay / But no one stays the same

                        Lo Spambollino fa FIGO

                        Membro del W.A.M. (War Against Mediaset) e presidente del M.A.I. (Musicians Against Ibanez)

                        Ex Custode della Topa (R.I.P.) [NCdS]

                        Dedico questa riga alla topa. Mi mancherai.


                        • Powergod - Starlight
                          da Keepers of Jericho - A tribute to Helloween pt.II

                          Zender R. Velkyn
                          He had a cloak of gold and eyes of fire
                          And as he spoke I felt a deep desire
                          To free the world of its fear and pain
                          And help the people to feel free again
                          Why don't we listen to the voices in our hearts
                          Cause then I know we'd find, we're not so far apart
                          Everybody's got to be happy, everyone should sing
                          For we know the joy of life, the peace that love can bring
                          URIAH HEEP - THE WIZARD (DEMONS AND WIZARDS, 1972)


                          • andromeda - morphing into nothing
                            la consigli vivamente agli amanti del prog....

                            neW -- icq # 575727946 --neW
                            Jovinko L'elfo Silvano
                            Vivaldi l'elfo Oscuro


                            • Anthrax - Black Lodge
                              Da Sound Of White Noise

                              Life was like a fantasy / Taken by reality / Does anyone remember me / You once knew me
                              Flashes of the day / I knew I was here to stay / But no one stays the same

                              Lo Spambollino fa FIGO

                              Membro del W.A.M. (War Against Mediaset) e presidente del M.A.I. (Musicians Against Ibanez)

                              Ex Custode della Topa (R.I.P.) [NCdS]

                              Dedico questa riga alla topa. Mi mancherai.


                              • Holy Moses - Creation of Violation
                                Da Terminal Terror

                                Life was like a fantasy / Taken by reality / Does anyone remember me / You once knew me
                                Flashes of the day / I knew I was here to stay / But no one stays the same

                                Lo Spambollino fa FIGO

                                Membro del W.A.M. (War Against Mediaset) e presidente del M.A.I. (Musicians Against Ibanez)

                                Ex Custode della Topa (R.I.P.) [NCdS]

                                Dedico questa riga alla topa. Mi mancherai.


                                Sto operando...