He had a cloak of gold and eyes of fire And as he spoke I felt a deep desire To free the world of its fear and pain And help the people to feel free again Why don't we listen to the voices in our hearts Cause then I know we'd find, we're not so far apart Everybody's got to be happy, everyone should sing For we know the joy of life, the peace that love can bring URIAH HEEP - THE WIZARD (DEMONS AND WIZARDS, 1972)
L'origami è l'arte giapponese di piegare la carta per farle assumere diverse figure.
Ci sono origami che si animano (esempio la gru, tiri la coda e sbatte le ali), altri no, comunque è un po' difficile saperli fare...
Life was like a fantasy / Taken by reality / Does anyone remember me / You once knew me
Flashes of the day / I knew I was here to stay / But no one stays the same
Lo Spambollino fa FIGO
Membro del W.A.M. (War Against Mediaset) e presidente del M.A.I. (Musicians Against Ibanez)
L'origami è l'arte giapponese di piegare la carta per farle assumere diverse figure.
Ci sono origami che si animano (esempio la gru, tiri la coda e sbatte le ali), altri no, comunque è un po' difficile saperli fare...
Quella della Clio Nokia.
Dove c'e' il tizio sulla Clio fermo al semaforo. Arriva una macchina con sopra 4 fig.one che gli fanno i palloncini con la gomma da masticare. Lui allora mette in bocca una caramella incartata e tira poi fuori sopra la lingua, un origami fatto con la carta della caramella.
Zender R. Velkyn
He had a cloak of gold and eyes of fire And as he spoke I felt a deep desire To free the world of its fear and pain And help the people to feel free again Why don't we listen to the voices in our hearts Cause then I know we'd find, we're not so far apart Everybody's got to be happy, everyone should sing For we know the joy of life, the peace that love can bring URIAH HEEP - THE WIZARD (DEMONS AND WIZARDS, 1972)
Originally posted by Orlandu Zender : ma se peggio di un motore di ricerca
So dove andare a cercare...
Zender R. Velkyn
P.S.: Ma non c'e' un modo per avere la bandierina Svedese??
He had a cloak of gold and eyes of fire And as he spoke I felt a deep desire To free the world of its fear and pain And help the people to feel free again Why don't we listen to the voices in our hearts Cause then I know we'd find, we're not so far apart Everybody's got to be happy, everyone should sing For we know the joy of life, the peace that love can bring URIAH HEEP - THE WIZARD (DEMONS AND WIZARDS, 1972)
Originally posted by pAiNkIlLeR vai in svedesia e connettiti da li
Zender R. Velkyn
He had a cloak of gold and eyes of fire And as he spoke I felt a deep desire To free the world of its fear and pain And help the people to feel free again Why don't we listen to the voices in our hearts Cause then I know we'd find, we're not so far apart Everybody's got to be happy, everyone should sing For we know the joy of life, the peace that love can bring URIAH HEEP - THE WIZARD (DEMONS AND WIZARDS, 1972)