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Mario Monti

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  • #76
    Originariamente inviato da RainyDays Visualizza il messaggio
    Se "la sua" è un messaggio privo di contenuto, no, non pò dirla. Si chiama spam e vi è una sezione apposita.

    P.S.: per la legge italiana, avere una pistola in mano comporta un reato se non si è in possesso di porto d'arma relativo. Non andate in giro con pistole in mano, anche se non sparate!
    era riferito al tuo status da moderatore, cmq tranzollo ho il porto d'armi regolare. *_*


    • #77
      Originariamente inviato da Torvosaurus Visualizza il messaggio
      ragazzi tutti a manifestare contro la crisi

      L'unica speranza di rivoluzione in Italia ci sarebbe se venisse abolito il calcio alla domenica.
      The chain remains, the gang is intact
      The name is mine, I'll take blame for that
      The pressure's on, but guess who ain't gonna crack?
      Ha ha, pardon me, I had to laugh at that
      How could you falter when you're the Rock of Gibraltar?
      I had to get off the boat so I could walk on water
      This ain't no tall order, this is nothin' to me
      Difficult takes a day, impossible takes a week
      I do this in my sleep
      I sold kilos of coke, I'm guessin' I can sell CD's
      I'm not a businessman; I'm a business, man!
      Let me handle my business, damn


      • #78
        Storie all'ordine del giorno dalle nostre parti
        The trial of former Icelandic Prime Minister Geir Haarde, on charges of negligence over the 2008 financial crisis, has begun in Reykjavik.
        Mr Haarde is thought to be the first world leader to face criminal charges over the crisis.
        He rejects the charges as "political persecution" and has said he will be vindicated during the trial.
        The country's three main banks collapsed during economic turmoil and the failure of Icesave hit thousands.
        The collapse led to a dispute over compensation between the UK and Iceland, which remains unresolved.
        The proceedings are being held at the Landsdomur court in the first case for the Reykjavik-based tribunal.
        Some Icelanders see the trial of Mr Haarde as scapegoating, while others argue that public accountability is essential following the country's financial collapse.
        Iceland was plunged into a deep recession following the collapse of its three banks, including Icesave's parent company Landsbanki, in autumn 2008.
        Mr Haarde, 60, led the Independence Party government at the time.
        He is accused of being negligent because he had not ensured financial safeguards were in place. He pleaded not guilty.
        The former premier says he was only doing what he thought was best for the country at the time.
        "I reject all accusations, and believe there is no basis for them," Mr Haarde told the court as he took the stand.
        He said it was "the first time I get a chance to answer questions regarding this case".
        Before the case opened he had sought to have all charges dismissed, calling the proceedings "preposterous'' and saying that his conscience was clear.
        When Icesave collapsed, the then UK Prime Minster Gordon Brown accused his Icelandic counterpart of "unacceptable" and "illegal" behaviour after Iceland said it could not give a guarantee to reimburse UK customers of the online bank.
        In response, Mr Haarde accused the UK government of "bullying" and bringing down one of its other banks after the Treasury froze the assets of Icelandic institutions in the UK.
        A final attempt by Mr Haarde's independence party to have the charges dropped was rejected last week in parliament.
        The trial is expected to last until mid-March, with the court taking another four to six weeks to deliver its verdict.
        Ultima modifica di enzmarsi; 06-03-2012, 16:26.


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