Ancora nessun annuncio.
Enzo Biagi.
"Mi sento come le foglie su un albero in autunno" e dopo una pausa ha aggiunto "ma tira un forte vento". E' la risposta che Enzo Biagi ha dato a un'infermiera che gli chiedeva come si sentisse.
Life was like a fantasy / Taken by reality / Does anyone remember me / You once knew me
Flashes of the day / I knew I was here to stay / But no one stays the same
Lo Spambollino fa FIGO
Membro del W.A.M. (War Against Mediaset) e presidente del M.A.I. (Musicians Against Ibanez)
Ex Custode della Topa (R.I.P.) [NCdS]
Dedico questa riga alla topa. Mi mancherai.
*Who is Kaiser Souze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Souze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.