[...] Mines a tale that can't be told,/My freedom I hold dear;/How years ago in days of old/When magic filled the air,/Twas in the darkest depths of Mordor/I met a girl so fair,/But Gollum, and the Evil One crept up/And slipped away with her./Her, her....yea./Ain't nothing I can do, no. [...] [Ramble On - Led Zeppelin]
Life was like a fantasy / Taken by reality / Does anyone remember me / You once knew me
Flashes of the day / I knew I was here to stay / But no one stays the same
Lo Spambollino fa FIGO
Membro del W.A.M. (War Against Mediaset) e presidente del M.A.I. (Musicians Against Ibanez)
Mah sai, oggi festeggio il compleanno, il 24 festeggio il mio 5° mese di fidanzamento, il 25 festeggio il natale, poi capodanno. Son capitato benone dai
Sicuramente sarà contenta la morosa che cosi capitalizza