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  • Helpppppp!!!!

    Ieri ho installato WinXP e tutto ok ma...nn funza piu' il modem!!!
    e' un regolarissimo 56K e lui mi spara: "errore 633 il modem e'forse utilizzato con altre applicazioni"


    PS:sto scrivendo dal mio vecchio pc (qui uo e' ingiocabile!!!)PLZZZ!

    I wish I had a schilling for every senseless killing
    I'd buy a government. America's for sale and
    You can get a good deal on it and make a healthy
    Profit, or maybe tear it apart you start with
    Assumption, that a million people are smarter than 1

  • #2
    Immagino non vada d'accordo coi drivers


    • #3
      ho fatto una scoperta meravigliosa!!

      NN FUNZIONA NIENTE!!!sipiantatutto nelgiro di 2 minuti!!

      come disinstallarlo!?!?!?
      vi prego datemi una spiegazione passo passo
      perche'sono na chiavica...


      I wish I had a schilling for every senseless killing
      I'd buy a government. America's for sale and
      You can get a good deal on it and make a healthy
      Profit, or maybe tear it apart you start with
      Assumption, that a million people are smarter than 1


      • #4
        se nn hai tanta roba dentro al computer reinstalla tutto io faccio sempre format c: e reinstallo tutto....... in tre ore l'ultima volta avevo il computer come prima ma con un altro sistema operativo;quindi io ti consiglio di formattare e rimetterti quello che avevi priam (tipo 98 second edition bohhh)


        • #5
          Potresti spiegarmi passo passo come formattare??
          Te ne sarei moltoooo grato!

          I wish I had a schilling for every senseless killing
          I'd buy a government. America's for sale and
          You can get a good deal on it and make a healthy
          Profit, or maybe tear it apart you start with
          Assumption, that a million people are smarter than 1


          • #6
            fai format c:
            ModeratoreGDR CARTACEI-WAR GAMES-TCG
            - Al Bar dello sport


            • #7
              zizi ora tutto a posto nn funzava il disco di ripristino...

              I wish I had a schilling for every senseless killing
              I'd buy a government. America's for sale and
              You can get a good deal on it and make a healthy
              Profit, or maybe tear it apart you start with
              Assumption, that a million people are smarter than 1


              • #8
                ah bene


                • #9
                  infatti 2 ore per capirlo....

                  I wish I had a schilling for every senseless killing
                  I'd buy a government. America's for sale and
                  You can get a good deal on it and make a healthy
                  Profit, or maybe tear it apart you start with
                  Assumption, that a million people are smarter than 1


                  Sto operando...