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D&D 3za ed Revised manuals

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  • D&D 3za ed Revised manuals

    Allora, stando a quanto detto dai responsabili Andy Collins, Anthony Valterra e Skip Williams alla Winter Fantasy Con, pare che alcune cose rimarranno invariate nei nuovi manuali revised (MdG, MdDM e MdM), e sono le seguenti:

    - per avere successo occorre fare valori alti;
    - 11 classi di base;
    - CA
    - Punti Ferita
    - Talenti
    - Abilitą
    - sistema magico

    Ciņ che verrą rivisto sarą:
    - classi di prestigio (verranno aggiunte nel MdDM, perchč all'inizio erano state pensate solo come possibile opzione, e poi invece si č visto il boom che ne č seguito)
    - regole non chiare (che verranno chiarite, come quelle per gli attacchi di opportunitą e i talenti, e in particolare una revisione completa di come funziona la Riduzione del Danno e l'uso di certi materiali speciali contro certi mostri)
    - incantesimi squilibranti (tra gli altri, le famose 3H: Harm, Heal e Haste)
    - 4 classi rivedute (Monaci, Bardi, Druidi e Ranger)
    - regole eliminate (non esisterą pił l'azione parziale)
    - disposizione tattica (visto che si suppone che tutti usino delle mappe quadrettate, verranno inserite molte + note per determinare la posizione occupata dai mostri e soprattutto l'area d'effetto degli incantesimi basandosi su queste superfici quadrettate...)

    Ecco, questo č tutto quello che ho potuto apprendere sinora.
    Per gli amanti della lingua, vi riporto lo scoop originale in inglese che trovate sul sito EN World.
    Alla prossima!

    I received this marvellous scoop from Bryan "Perithoth" Blumklotz, which provides the most detailed coverage yet of the revised D&D seminars from the Winter Fantasy convention:

    "There were two presentations about 3E Revised given at Winter Fantasy. The first was for Convention Judges on Thursday (I was not present at this one) and another for the Players on Saturday (at 8 AM) prior to the first slot of the day (I was present for this one).

    "The host for Saturday's presentation was nice woman from WotC Marketing (I am sorry, I have forgotten her name). Also in attendance were Anthony Valterra, Andy Collins, and Skip Williams (he was one of the guest of the convention). After a brief introduction about 3E from a marketing standpoint our hostess turned the mike over to Anthony Valterra. He basically launched into the whys and wherefores of the update to the 3e rules, information that has been covered in the Press release and Dragon Magazine previously. He did go into a bit more detail about when the process to update the rules began. Play testing, both internal and with official play tests groups, continued after the final version of 3e Core books went to the printers. This started as a small stream of errors and new ideas that turned into a flood when the books were released to the general public. With thousands of gamers load testing the new rules all sorts of interesting ideas and problems became obvious, stuff that no amount of in house testing or outsourced testing could hope to catch.

    "Basically the areas that became evident fell into three categories:

    1) Unclear rules. Attacks of Opportunity were given as an example of
    something that will be re-edited for clarity.
    2) Underdeveloped rules. Prestige classes were originally just a small
    section. This has ballooned into something that practically every D20
    supplement has as content. The rules for creating them will be
    3) "Broken" rules. The "H" spells (Harm, Haste, and Heal) were given
    as examples of spells that will be re-addressed.

    "After his presentation Anthony introduced Andy Collins and a presentation on what is staying the same and what is changing in the
    rules began.

    "First off here is what is going to be the same.

    Roll high
    11 basic character classes
    Hit Points
    Magic (as a system, not individual spells)

    "Basically all the things that are good and true about 3e will be the same. What is changing is internal consistency and easy of use. For instance, instead of having a lot of different rules for Damage Resistance (DR) the rules would be unified. Right now, to hit a Skeleton with a slashing or piercing weapon does 1/2 damage (essentially it is DR 1/2 damage/blunt). That means that a Titan with a huge sword gets the same DR penalty as a tiny sprite with a dagger, which doesn't make a lot of sense since a Titan's attack should obliterate Skeletons by the swing full. Further, the hierarchy of DR made "lesser" materials less useful. Why would you need a silver weapon if a +1 or better weapon will do the same damage and effect more creatures?

    "So DR has been rethought. It no longer has a hierarchy of materials and magic. That means that while silver weapons will effect lycanthropes, +1 weapons will not. Devils and Demons will require holysilver to bypass DR. That's right to bypass the Pit Fiend's DR15/holysilver, a Paladin will need at a minimum a +1 holy slivered
    weapon (the DR is from the back of the Winter Fantasy t-shirt that has the Pit Fiend Stats).

    "So what does this mean for the Skeletons? Well, Skeletons will no longer have a custom entry for "pseudo" DR and will now have DR 5/blunt, so when that Titan start's practicing his golf swing the skeletons will basically explode on contact, even if he doesn't have a blunt weapon and the sprite will still be ineffective with his tiny
    little dagger.

    "This has some implications; fighters will need to start thinking about what materials and magical abilities they want for their weapons. They may have to haul around a second weapon. Quickdraw becomes more desirable when you figure out that your primary weapon is ineffective but your secondary weapon works fine. Move-equivalent action to sheath the primary, free action to draw the secondary and standard action to attack.

    "Andy mentioned the needing cold iron or silvered weapons for some creatures. I asked him about the materials section and he said new materials will be added and rules for the old ones will be cleared up.

    "I know people want to know character classes; four of them will have some major changes. Those playing Bards, Druids, Monks, and Rangers will want to see what happens. These "tweener" classes as Skip Williams named them will see some improvements and some of their abilities will be stretched out. Rangers will definitely no longer be front loaded with their feats. However their spell selection and abilities will be beefed up for mid and high levels of play.

    "Spells will be cleaned up. Some heavy changes will also be done to some. Haste was especially a hot topic. The new haste will still have +4 AC but will not give a partial action anymore. Instead it will provide an extra attack. This was done because it was making the Quicken metamagic feat undesirable. Why shell out for a feat when a spell does this already and does more? Speaking of Partial actions, they are gone. There will be move, move-equivalent, standard and full actions. If there is a need for an exception (say the Zombie) it will be part of the zombie listing.

    "Feats will have some clarity issues cleared up. Not much said about what will be cleared up but they will.

    "Facing and Miniatures. Revised 3e will acknowledge the fact that most players use some type of surface with markers (usually battlemats and figures). Facing for 3e will take a page from Chainmail and no longer have odd lengths. Instead a creature will control an area (i.e., a medium creature will control 5 ft./5 ft. while a large one will control 10 ft./10ft.) so a horse would be 10 by 10 but only fill a part of the space they control during combat. See the Chainmail rules for a better understanding of this.

    "Since square grids don't really work for area spells there will be a change in how they are handled. What that change was not made clear.

    "An interesting thing Skip Williams pointed out during the talk. He quoted Monte Cooke as saying 'We are making D&D more like D&D' in reference to 3e back in 2000. That was the mantra then, the new mantra is, 'We are making 3e more like 3e.'

    "Personally I am excited that 3e will have more internal consistencies. The easier it is to learn to play the more people will play it.

    "Well that's what I can remember in my post convention state. I will send some more tidbits as I remember them."
    BeCaUsE DeAd is BeTtEr
    Ash nazg durbatulūk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulūk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul'

  • #2
    Manuale del Giocatore:
    - Benefici Razziali: alcune armi saranno specifiche di alcune razze, e alcune razze avranno di base un talento che permetterą loro di poter usare certe armi classificate "esotiche"
    -Incantesimi: alcuni incantesimi arcani e divini cambieranno nome e verranno aggiunti alle liste di Bardi, Druidi e Ranger (che si allargheranno). Altri incantesimi cambieranno di livello o avranno una descrizione pił particolareggiata (es: Metamorfosi)
    -Armature e Scudi: adesso il bonus si differenzia. Armatura dą bonus armatura, scudo dą bonus scudo.

    Manuale del DM
    - Hanno separato le Classi di Prestigio in 7 categorie: di razza, di ruolo, iconica, funzionale, di situazione, di trasformazione, specifica di setting. [non chiedetemi di commentare cosa significhino esattamente perchč non l'hanno chiarito]
    - Riduzione del Danno: i livelli verranno abbassati parecchio (normalmente si aggireranno intorno a x/5 o x/10, solo con rare eccezioni si vedranno x/15 e x/20), questo per far sģ che i guerrieri possano comunque cercare di combattere una creatura anche se non hanno l'arma adatta. Puntualizzo che se una RD indica un materiale, l'avere un'arma magica NON SERVIRA' ad annullare la RD (es: licantropo argento/5, anche se hai una spada +3 il licantropo continua ad avere per te una RD di 5 punti, a meno che la spada non sia ANCHE d'argento)
    - Regole sulla vista e la visione: tutte le informazioni sparse tra i vari manuali verranno riunite in uno (presumibilmente quello del DM), ampliate e rese chiare (ci sarą una zona d'ombra oltre quella di luce e prima di quella di buio assoluto, ad esempio, e si capirą meglio come funziona la visione notturna con la luce delle stelle..)
    - Oggetti maigici: verranno riviste completamente le regole x creare oggetti magici e ampliate le liste di incantesimi da associare a pozioni e altri oggetti

    Manuale dei Mostri
    - Regole per LEP: saranno aggiunte regole per calcolare il Livello Equivalente del personaggio di vari mostri
    - Modifiche: alcuni mostri verranno modificati per essere + potenti e + specializzati, in particolare si parlava dei demoni e dei diavoli
    - Stats: nelle statistiche di ogni mostro viene elencato separatamente il BAB e il Bonus totale ad ogni tipo di attacco. Inoltre sarą aggiunta una sezione "Tattiche" di combattimento della creatura.
    - Faccia/Portata: cambia questo valore a riprova che sono cambiate le regole x adattarsi al combattimento su mappa quadrettata...

    Riporto un esempio di stats del Pit Fiend che circolava alla Winter Fantasy Con su alcune magliette della WotC

    Devil, Pit Fiend
    Larger Outsider (Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
    Hit Dice: 18d8+144 (255 hp)
    Initiative: +12
    Speed: 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
    AC: 40 (-1 size, +8 Dex, +23 natural) touch 17, flat footed 32
    Base Attack/Grapple: +18/+36
    Attack: Claw +30 melee (2d8+14)Full Attack: 2 claws +30 melee (2d8+14) and 2 wings +28 melee (2d6+7) and bite +28 melee (4d6+7 and poison plus disease) and tail slap +28 (2d8+7)
    Face/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
    Special Attacks: Constrict 2d8+28, fear aura, improved grab, spell-like abilities, summon baatezu.
    Special Qualities: Acid resistance 10, cold resistance 10, DR 15/holysilver, fire immunity, poison immunity, regeneration 5, see in darkness, SR 32, telepathy.
    Saves: Fort +19, Fef +19, Will +21.
    Abilities: Str 37, Dex 27, Con 27, Int 26, Wis 26, Cha 26.
    Skills: Balance +10, Bluff +29, Climb +34, Concentration +29, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +29 (+31 acting), Hide +25, Intimidate +31, Jump +35, Knowledge (arcana) +29, Knowledge (the planes) +29, Knowledge (religion) +29, Listen +29, Move Silently +29, Search +29, Spellcraft +31, Spot +29, Survival +8 (+10 on other planes), Tumble +31.
    Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Imitative, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-like Ability.

    Tactics Round-by-Round
    The pit fiend opens with spell-like powers, attempting to neutralize dangerous opponents before entering melee combat.

    Round 0: Unholy aura; activate fear aura, quickened summon Baatezu.

    Round 1: Mass hold monster if facing three or more visible, active opponents; otherwise power word stun against unarmored opponents (preferably a spellcaster).

    Round 2: Meteor swarm against as many foes as possible, approach worst-injured enemy.

    Round 3: Full attack against injured enemy.

    Round 4: Continue melee against injured enemy, or power word stun against annoying spellcaster.

    Round 5: Repeat from round 1; or greater teleport to safety if endangered.
    BeCaUsE DeAd is BeTtEr
    Ash nazg durbatulūk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulūk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul'


    • #3
      modifiche di Teleport e il nuovo Greater Teleport (che sostituisce teletrasporto senza errore)

      Transmutation [Teleportation]
      Level: Sor/Wiz 5, Travel 5
      Components: V
      Casting Time: 1 action
      Range: Personal and touch
      Target: You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures weighing up to 50 lb./level
      Duration: Instantaneous
      Saving Throw: None and Will negates (object)
      Spell Resistance: No and Yes (object)

      This spell instantly transports you to a designated destination, which may be up to 100 miles away per caster level. Interplanar travel is not possible. You can bring along objects (as long as their weight doesn't exceed your maximum load). You may also bring one additional willing Medium-size or smaller creature (and their gear or objects up to their maximum load) per three caster levels. (A Large creature counts as two Medium-size creatures, a Huge creature counts as two Large creatures, and so forth.) All creatures to be transported must be in contact with one another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with you. As with all spells where the range is personal and the target is you, you need not make a saving throw, nor is SR applicable to you. Only objects held or in use (attended) by another person receive saving throws and SR.

      You must have some clear idea of the location and layout of the destination. You can't simply teleport to the warlord's tent if you don't know where that tent is, what it looks like, or what's in it. The clearer your mental image, the more likely the teleportation works. Areas of strong physical or magical energies may make teleportation more hazardous or even impossible.

      Note: Teleportation is instantaneous travel through the Astral Plane. Anything that blocks astral travel also blocks teleportation.

      To see how well the teleportation works, roll d% and consult the Teleport table. Refer to the following information for definitions of the terms on the table.

      Familiarity On Target Off Target Similar Area Mishap
      Very familiar 01-97 98-99 00 -
      Studied carefully 01-94 95-97 98-99 00
      Seen casually 01-88 89-94 95-98 99-00
      Viewed once 01-76 77-88 89-96 97-00
      False destination (1d20+80 - - 81-92 93-00

      Familiarity: "Very familiar" is a place where you have been very often and where you feel at home. "Studied carefully" is a place you know well, either because you've been there often or you have used other means (such as scrying) to study the place. "Seen casually" is a place that you have seen more than once but with which you are not very familiar. "Viewed once" is a place that you have seen once, possibly using magic.

      "False destination" is a place that doesn't truly exist, such as if you scryed on an enemy's sanctum but instead viewed a false vision, or if you are teleporting to an otherwise familiar location that no longer exists as such or has been so completely altered as to no longer be familiar to you (for instance, a home that has burned to the ground). When traveling to a false destination, roll 1d20+80 to obtain results on the table, rather than rolling d%, since there is no real destination for you to hope to arrive at or even be off target from.

      On Target: You appear where you want to be.

      Off Target: You appear safely a random distance away from the destination in a random direction. Distance off target is 1d10 ??1d10% of the distance that was to be traveled. For example, if you tried to travel 120 miles, landed off target, and rolled 5 and 3 on the two d10s, then you would be 15% off target. That's 18 miles, in this case. The DM determines the direction off target randomly, such as by rolling 1d8 and designating 1 as north, 2 as northeast, etc. If you were teleporting to a coastal city and wound up 18 miles out at sea, you could be in trouble.

      Similar Area: You wind up in an area that's visually or thematically similar to the target area. A wizard heading for her home laboratory might wind up in another wizard's laboratory or in an alchemy supply shop that has many of the same tools and implements as in her laboratory. Generally, you appear in the closest similar place within range. If the DM determines no such area exists within the spell's range, the spell simply fails instead.

      Mishap: You and anyone else teleporting with you have gotten "scrambled." You each take 1d10 points of damage, and you reroll on the chart to see where you wind up. For these rerolls, roll 1d20+80. Each time "Mishap" comes up, the characters take more damage and must reroll.

      Greater Teleport
      Transmutation [Teleportation]
      Level: Sor/Wiz 7, Travel 7

      As teleport, except that there is no range limit and there is no chance you arrive off target. In addition, you need not have seen the destination, but in that case you must have at least a reliable description of the place to which you are teleporting (such as a detailed description from someone else or a particularly precise map). If you attempt to teleport with insufficient information (or with misleading information), you disappear and simply reappear in your original location. Interplanar travel is not possible.
      BeCaUsE DeAd is BeTtEr
      Ash nazg durbatulūk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulūk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul'


      • #4
        Altri aggiornamenti:

        Bardo: la classe avrą un aumento nei punti abilitą per livello e ci sarą qualche abilitą speciale in pił legata al canto, nonchč una lista di incantesimi leggermente rivista.
        Druido: in sostanza ciņ che cambia saranno gli incantesimi, che verranno aumentati (probabilmente dal pdv della varietą di scelta), in particolare facendo attenzione a dargli magie che riguardano la sfera animale e vegetale.
        Monaci: alcuni cambiamenti nei loro attacchi a mani nude (non specificati) e vari aggiustamenti per renderli + semplici da giocare come classe.
        Ranger: PESANTEMENTE rivisto (per ora non dicono altro, ma č chiaro che il ranger sarą la classe + modificata.. basta vedere quanti gazzilioni di versioni del ranger ci sono x capire che chiaramente era un po' fatta coi piedi)

        Regole di combattimento.
        Come riportato da Andy Collins, hanno riscritto varie regole per renderle + chiare al pubblico, e in particolare la procedura del lottare, descritta passo per passo (vi cito testualmente).

        "Large portions of the combat chapter, including most (if not all) of the special attacks, have been rewritten for clarity. In most cases, the actual rules remain exactly (or very close to) the same, just with a bit more hand-holding (such as a step-by-step approach to grappling, and clearer information on what you can do while grappling)."

        Races of Faerun e Unapproachable East
        Questi due titoli avranno gią incorporati i cambiamenti alle classi e alle razze mostruose previsti con la versione 3.5 di D&D. In particolare si fa riferimento al licantropo (che a quanto pare č stato pesantemente rivisto).
        BeCaUsE DeAd is BeTtEr
        Ash nazg durbatulūk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulūk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul'


        • #5
          direi era ora..
          ma 1 domanda.. quando dovrebbe uscire tutto cio?

          chiamate che prendo:
          carpentry= 2 exp
          taming= 3 exp
          bowcraft= 2 exp
          tailor= 6 exp
          alchemy = 5 exp


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ramiel [RdK]
            direi era ora..
            ma 1 domanda.. quando dovrebbe uscire tutto cio?
            luglio agosto versione us
            BeCaUsE DeAd is BeTtEr
            Ash nazg durbatulūk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulūk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul'


            • #7
              Lista definitiva Revised in uscita a fine luglio


              * This is definitely a fine-tuning of the existing 3E "kernel", rather than a new edition - there are no significant changes to the fundamental rules. They fully intend that this will be "the" edition of D&D to take them through to 4th Edition, whenever that is (and, since there are absolutely no plans for 4E in the pipe, that's years away at least). The words they used were "changes to facilitiate play", and they stated that the guiding principles were "do no harm to the system" and "CLARIFY!!!".

              * They're coming out with a line of pre-painted and pre-assembled plastic minis for D&D (Fall, 2003), since their research has shown that 78% of players use some sort of "minis or markers on a grid" to play. It sounds like they've ceded the unpainted metal mini market to others, but this new line might be of use to those who want to use minis but don't want to / can't paint. (I'm not sure that's true - he did say that this is different from the Chainmail line....) The results of that research also affected their attitude when updating the books - they are written with the assumption that people will use minis or markers.

              * Anthony Valterra said that we should expect some sort of significant announcement regarding e-Tools and other electronic aids for D&D in the next few weeks.

              * They weren't completely sure about this, but think they're dropping the background lines from the pages in the books.

              * Glossaries are being extensively updated.

              * A question was asked about the binding - Anthony said it was supposed to be the best available ( :-/). It was pointed out that the first priting was stitched and subsequent ones were not, and that surprised him. The group advised him to check on his vendors .... :-)

              * They are NOT raising prices!

              * Covers will be very different - you can tell the difference between 3.0 and 3.5, but they're still unmistakably D&D (they told the art director "make them exactly the same but totally different" :-)).

              * The SRD will be updated at about the same time as the books come out, which is July, 2003. All the books will be out at the same time.

              * Licensees (for translated books) know about the revisions, but when they ship is up to them.

              * Psionics handbook - "cannot say whether it will be revised" (It might not have been with this book, but they did comment a couple of times that they could only discuss items which were already "announced" in their catalog.)

              * Changes are focused on how the games work. Also, they are trying to get away from relying on the DM to figure out how something works.

              * Looking at making the Epic Handbook and Deities and Demigods available via SRD.
              No plans to republish older products, and in fact, should not need to. Some tweaks will be necessary to use the Builder Books and other older products, but nothing fundamental.

              * They considered rebuilding the metamagic rules from scratch, but decided that it would be too much change and there wouldn't be enough time for playtesting. We may see variants in other products.

              * Revisions will not greatly change character sheets.

              Player's Handbook

              * Classes are working, for the most part, the way they were intended. But, some of the classes are being fine-tuned. Andy Collins (the designer who was there) specifically mentioned the ranger and the bard as two who would see some changes. Mostly, the changes are being instituted to ensure that each class is relevant and fun to play across the entire 20 levels - "rebalancing the classes". It sounded as if the Bard would probably get more skill points and will be more interesting as they grow.

              * Feats are being added, new ones as well as drawing from various sources (so, in other words, some of the PHB feats will be ones that appear elsewhere). How some of the feats work is also being changed.

              * The combat chapter is being restructured, and items clarified. Mass combat rules are not being added.

              * Spell lists are being revised and updated. A high percentage of spells are being tweaked, and some changed significantly (can you say Haste? - "Haste no longer turns you into two characters."). Harm and Shield are also being changed. There are spells being added, spell selection for schools being balanced, domains being tweaked.

              * The glossary will be longer and have more, and more extensive, definitions.

              * Character conditions (dying, stunned, knocked out, etc) got a lot of attention.

              * The concept of racial weapons was kept, and more meat put behind it - introducing "weapon familiarity".

              * Only a couple of new weapons were picked up from other material to put in the PHB, but there are a number of new ones in the Arms and Equipment Guide.

              * Unnamed bonuses still exist - it's important not to go overboard in categorizing everything.

              * Skills: Some skill names changed - Wilderness Lore, for example, became Survival. They also attempted to make the skill system stronger, and included more examples (some from the Builder Books). Knowledge (undead) will be part of Knowledge (religion). More classes will have at least one knowledge skill as a class skill.
              Barbarians don't have as many skill points as Rangers.

              * The Races, Description, and Adventuring chapters were not changed much. Equipment and Magic had a few changes

              Dungeon Master's Guide

              * Most of the DMG changes are in organization, although magic item creation is being fine-tuned (and, I think, expanded upon). Magic item creation rules are being clarified and expanded, along with prices for item creation, at least.

              * New PClasses are added.

              * Information to help on running a game is being added.

              * Additional environments are being added - such as rules for underwater combat. Most of these came from other published products and are being included here.

              * CRs are still more of an art than a science, but are being revised, and the CR/EL system clarified.

              * DR (Damage reduction) is being changed. Today it's hierarchical - a monster with DR 10/+1 can be hit by +2 weapons, for example. The change is to be more specific - DR 10/holy silver means just that. Magical weapons alone won't work, but only good-aligned silver ones. So, there will be DR bypass designations such as Silver, Gold, Cold Iron, Magical, Bludgeoning, etc. The DRs are also being lowered to make them more reasonable, and monks will have a couple of properties with unarmed attacks that will allow them to bypass certain sorts of DR.

              Monster Manual

              * Most of the MM changes are cosmetic (illos for every monster, stat blocks won't be broken up over multiple pages, etc.)

              * There will be a new index.

              * General information on playing monsters as character classes is added. For detailed information, see the "Savage Species" book due out later this year.

              * All of the CRs for monsters were reviewed, and some revised.
              BeCaUsE DeAd is BeTtEr
              Ash nazg durbatulūk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulūk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul'


              Sto operando...