Eberron, così si chiama questa nuova ambientazione che sembra punterà sull'high fantasy con elementi molto cupi e una vasta possibilità di avventure passando dalla classica epica tolkeniana fino alla narrazione più atipica Moorcockiana.
La Wizards lo descrive così:
"The campaign combines traditional medieval D&D fantasy with swashbuckling action and dark adventure
"The setting supposes a world that has developed not through the advances of science, but by the mastery of arcane magic. This allows for certain conveniences that were never imagined in other medieval timeframes"

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La Wizards lo descrive così:
"The campaign combines traditional medieval D&D fantasy with swashbuckling action and dark adventure
"The setting supposes a world that has developed not through the advances of science, but by the mastery of arcane magic. This allows for certain conveniences that were never imagined in other medieval timeframes"

da quì potete scaricare un piccolo estratto in pdf (zippato)