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[Ufficiale]The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim

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  • Originariamente inviato da Emanuele9dglo Visualizza il messaggio

    guardate come rosika questo
    Randy Warlord [M|A]
    Randy Warlord[AoT]


    • Originariamente inviato da Emanuele9dglo Visualizza il messaggio

      guardate come rosika questo
      Who is Kaiser Souze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Souze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.


      • Mi sta assassinando questo tizio

        Randy Warlord [M|A]
        Randy Warlord[AoT]


        • Scusate eh

          [Amdir]Firma Irregolare[/Amdir]


          • E' un peccato perchè di carne sulla brace ce n'è mentre invece bachi enormi e banalità delle quest rendono questo articolo poco godibile.


            • Originariamente inviato da thedeerhunter Visualizza il messaggio
              Scusate eh

              14-11-2011, 20:26


              • Con le giuste mods questo gioco è senza dubbio uno dei migliori dell'ultimo decennio.

                un bel tutorialino con raccolta delle mods più scaricate.
                The chain remains, the gang is intact
                The name is mine, I'll take blame for that
                The pressure's on, but guess who ain't gonna crack?
                Ha ha, pardon me, I had to laugh at that
                How could you falter when you're the Rock of Gibraltar?
                I had to get off the boat so I could walk on water
                This ain't no tall order, this is nothin' to me
                Difficult takes a day, impossible takes a week
                I do this in my sleep
                I sold kilos of coke, I'm guessin' I can sell CD's
                I'm not a businessman; I'm a business, man!
                Let me handle my business, damn


                • In certi casi la semplicità con cui sono scritti i dialoghi è disarmante, veramente c'è l'impressione che abbiano fatto abbondante sfruttamento di lavoro minorile.
                  Le quest frettolose cagate alla peggio e senza un minimo di studio di regia dietro.
                  Il solito prezzo da pagare per un sandbox, una deliziosa copertina troppo piccola per coprire il mio cervello infreddolito.





                    • E' na merda?


                      • A dir poco.
                        Peraltro lì ho conosciuto l'ex dea.


                        • La patch 1.2 uscirà mercoledì su PC e XBOX (su PS3 già fuori da oggi).

                          UPDATE 1.2 NOTES (all platforms unless specified)

                          Improved occasional performance issues resulting from long term play (PlayStation 3)
                          Fixed issue where textures would not properly upgrade when installed to drive (Xbox 360)
                          Fixed crash on startup when audio is set to sample rate other than 44100Hz (PC)
                          Fixed issue where projectiles did not properly fade away
                          Fixed occasional issue where a guest would arrive to the player's wedding dead
                          Dragon corpses now clean up properly
                          Fixed rare issue where dragons would not attack
                          Fixed rare NPC sleeping animation bug
                          Fixed rare issue with dead corpses being cleared up prematurely
                          Skeleton Key will now work properly if player has no lockpicks in their inventory
                          Fixed rare issue with renaming enchanted weapons and armor
                          Fixed rare issue with dragons not properly giving souls after death
                          ESC button can now be used to exit menus (PC)
                          Fixed occasional mouse sensitivity issues (PC)
                          General functionality fixes related to remapping buttons and controls (PC)

                          After releasing the 1.2 update, we will continue to monitor forums, blogs, etc. for issues you are reporting, and we will keep you updated on further updates to improve your gameplay experience."

                          ... ma ci pigliano per il culo o che?
                          Who is Kaiser Souze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Souze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.


                          • mannòmannòmannò


                            • scusate l'up!

                              questo gioco è una droga!!!

                              + un uomo e' gretto + le sue affermazioni sono assolute
                              Parla in modo sensato ad uno stupido e questi ti chiamerà stupido.
                              Accetto qualunque critica ma non accetto insulti
                              3. È VIETATO scrivere messaggi senza contenuto (SPAM - solo puntini, emoticons etc..) o fuori argomento, con l'intento, volontario o involontario, di creare flame ed appesantire le discussioni.


                              • è tipo il fumo, una droga di merda


                                Sto operando...