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Mortal Kombat 1

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  • Mortal Kombat 1

    fatality e mosse pox per il sega mega drive e anke per sbloccare raptile... vi amo

  • #2
    Reptile mi pare venga fuori solo nel 2...


    • #3
      Scorpion, Sub zero, reptil e raiden i miei preferiti.
      Co sub zero ho finito 85641564256 volte il gioco senza mai farmi toccare da nessuno, i trucchi co quel pg so infiniti.
      Cmq si gran bel gioco..e poi le fatality..roba che le prime volte non ci dormivo la notte...
      On UOItalia(ho smesso purtroppo):
      Ice Storm il ghiacciolo
      Liu Bei l'isterico
      Pesmerga l' che non vale una * in pvp XD


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ice Storm
        Scorpion, Sub zero, reptil e raiden i miei preferiti.
        Co sub zero ho finito 85641564256 volte il gioco senza mai farmi toccare da nessuno, i trucchi co quel pg so infiniti.
        Cmq si gran bel gioco..e poi le fatality..roba che le prime volte non ci dormivo la notte...
        ok.... ma me le puoi dire?


        • #5
          e chi se le ricorda? stiamo parlando di almeno 5 o 6 anni fa...pure di piu....
          On UOItalia(ho smesso purtroppo):
          Ice Storm il ghiacciolo
          Liu Bei l'isterico
          Pesmerga l' che non vale una * in pvp XD


          • #6
            Mortal Kombat 1, gioco stupendo.
            Nell'1 c'erano solo due MEMBRI del grandissimo clan Lin Kuey: Sub Zero e Scorpion. Il trucco per sbloccare REPTILE è quello di totalizzare un tot punti senza mai perdere un round e senza essere nemmeno toccati per circa 3-4 scontri e ovviamente vincendo sempre i "Test Your Might".
            Le Fatality sono un pochetto più rare e poco fantasiose nell'1. Cmq c'è la classica Upper Cut dal ponte e tante altre.
            Per le vere Fatality, bisogna giocare al 2, poi nel 3 entreranno le Brutality, Animality, Friendship etc...nel 3 Ultimate ne saranno aggiunte di nuove...

            Che gioco, ragazzi...
            Grande MK !


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ice Storm
              e chi se le ricorda? stiamo parlando di almeno 5 o 6 anni fa...pure di piu....

              scusa ma mortal combat sarà almeno di 8-9anni fa

              neW -- icq # 575727946 --neW
              Jovinko L'elfo Silvano
              Vivaldi l'elfo Oscuro


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sebastian

                scusa ma mortal combat sarà almeno di 8-9anni fa
                La prima volta che cio giocato furbo
                On UOItalia(ho smesso purtroppo):
                Ice Storm il ghiacciolo
                Liu Bei l'isterico
                Pesmerga l' che non vale una * in pvp XD


                • #9
                  ma xche sistema? megadrive?

                  Enable blood:
                  Press A, B, A, C, A, B(2) at the "Code of Honor" screen. The screen
                  text will turn yellow and Scorpion will say "Get over here" to
                  confirm correct code entry.
                  Information in this section was contributed by AnDy2004CHS.
                  Cheat mode:
                  Press Down, Up, Left(2), A, Right, Down at the opening screen with
                  "Start" and "Options" selections. The phrase "Cheat Enabled" will
                  appear to confirm correct code entry. The following cheats may be
                  Player one
                  Select the player on the left in the scrolling side bar, the medal
                  display, and the "Test Your Might" screen.
                  Player two
                  Select the player on the right in the scrolling side bar, the
                  medal display, and the "Test Your Might" screen.
                  Plan base
                  Select between four orders from which your character will fight.
                  Select a set order or choose the random option for a CPU choice.
                  Note: This will affect the game and demonstration mode.
                  Select the material for the "Test Your Might" screen.
                  Chop 1/2
                  Select the number of rounds between each "Test Your Might" screen
                  in one player mode. Select "0" to disable the "Test Your Might"
                  Demonstrates different sections of the game.
                  Displays player one's background information.
                  Display plan base
                  Displays the current plan base.
                  Biography 1/2
                  Displays player one's biography screens.
                  Displays the winning screen after beating an opponent in
                  two-player mode showing player one as having 20 consecutive wins
                  vs. player two.
                  Displays player one vs. player two in the "Test Your Might"
                  screen, chopping the material previously selected.
                  Flag 0
                  Drops the player on the right's energy to the danger level at
                  beginning of the round. If Reptile appears, the player has full
                  strength for the first match. During endurance matches, the second
                  opponent has full strength.
                  Flag 1
                  Drops the player on the left's energy to the danger level at
                  beginning of the round. If Reptile appears, the player has full
                  strength for the first match. During endurance matches, the second
                  opponent has full strength.
                  Flag 2
                  Shadow always appears on the Pit Stages.
                  Flag 3
                  Change shadows on the moon to a face or the initials "BYC". This
                  is only effective when the sound, music, and effects test are not
                  all set to 1.
                  Flag 4
                  Reptile will appear with hints at the start of each stage.
                  Flag 5
                  Unlimited credits.
                  Flag 6
                  Enable fatalities for the CPU.
                  Flag 7
                  Locks background screen as "The Courtyard" until the fight before
                  Blood code
                  Enables display of blood.
                  Cheat code
                  Disables all cheats and clears all flags and removes "Cheat
                  Enabled" option from the menu.
                  First background
                  Select background that will appear first.
                  One hit kills:
                  Enable the "Cheat mode" code. Then turn on the "Flag 0" and "Flag 2"
                  options. Make sure the fighter is set on the one you desire.
                  Information in this section was contributed by AnDy2004CHS.
                  Easily win Test Your Might:
                  Note: This can only be done with a six button controller with an
                  auto-fire feature. During Test Your Might, set the auto-fire to A
                  and C. Press A + C as fast as possible and press Start to break the
                  Information in this section was contributed by bran73093.
                  Fight as Reptile:
                  To play as Reptile, you must fight against Reptile by setting "Flag
                  2" to "On" and first background to "The Pit". Fight Reptile the
                  three times that you can fight him and do the fatality for each one.
                  You will then see Reptile on the character selection screen after
                  you complete the game.
                  Information in this section was contributed by ItalianBoy225.
                  Fight against Reptile:
                  Select any character except Sonya. Enable cheat mode and set "First
                  background" to "The Pit", "Flag 1" to "On", and "Flag 2" to "On".
                  After the match starts, do not block, win a double flawless victory,
                  and perform the fatality. While fighting Reptile press Start on
                  controller two to display a green Sub-Zero and Scorpion on the
                  character selection screen. Another hidden character will appear if
                  Reptile is defeated. Note: Use anybody except Scorpion or Lui Kang
                  since your need to use block for their fatalities.
                  Information in this section was contributed by AnDy2004CHS and adam
                  To fight Reptile with Sonya Blade, repeat the procedure except do
                  not enable the Blood code. Win with a double flawless victory that
                  follows her Kiss of Death fatality. Then, the opponent will be
                  Information in this section was contributed by Michael Rowser.
                  Ultima modifica di Gara; 20-12-2004, 01:16.

                  Vuota la mente. Sii senza forma, informe come l'acqua. Ora metti l'acqua dentro una tazza, e diventa tazza. Metti l'acqua dentro una bottiglia e diventa la bottiglia. Mettila in una teiera e diventa la teiera. Ora, l'acqua può scorrere e può sfondare. Sii acqua amico
                  B. Lee (1940/1973)


                  • #10
                    Enable the "Cheat mode" code. Activate blood, and set the first map
                    to "The Pit". Set "Flag 2" and "Flag 4" on, and nothing else. Choose
                    a character (Rayden recommended; do not use Liu Kang or Scorpion).
                    Do not block, get a Double Flawless Victory, and perform the
                    fatality. After you get a Double Flawless with the fatality, you
                    will face Reptile next. If desired, press Start for player two and a
                    green Sub-Zero and Scorpion will be displayed, but they are not
                    green during a fight.
                    Information in this section was contributed by ItalianBoy225.
                    Rayden: Special moves:
                    Information in this section was contributed by AnDy2004CHS.
                    Lightning Throw: Press Down, Toward, A.
                    Superman: Press Away(2), Toward.
                    Fatality move: Press Toward(2), Away(3), A.
                    Cage: Special moves:
                    Information in this section was contributed by AnDy2004CHS and
                    Green Flame: Press Away, Toward, A.
                    Split punch: Press Down, C.
                    Fatality move: Press Toward(3), A.
                    Shadow Kick: Press Away, Toward, B
                    Kano: Special moves:
                    Information in this section was contributed by AnDy2004CHS.
                    Roll Spin: Sweep the D-pad in a full circle towards your opponent
                    starting at Down. Then press Start to hover over an opponent.
                    Knife: Hold Start then press Away, Toward.
                    Fatality move: Hold Start then press Away(2), A.
                    Liu Kang: Special moves:
                    Information in this section was contributed by AnDy2004CHS.
                    Fireball: Press Toward(2), A.
                    Flying Kick: Press Toward(2), B.
                    Fatality move: Sweep the D-pad in a full circle towards your
                    opponent starting at Up.
                    Rayden: Special moves:
                    Information in this section was contributed by Stretch40330.
                    Teleport-: Quickly press Down, Up.
                    Scorpion: Special moves:
                    Information in this section was contributed by AnDy2004CHS.
                    Van Dam Spear: Press Away(2), A.
                    Teleport: Press Down, Away, A.
                    Fatality Move: Hold Start, then press Up(2).
                    Sonya: Special moves:
                    Information in this section was contributed by AnDy2004CHS and
                    Ring Toss: Hold A while moving away and then release A.
                    Square Wave Flight: Press Toward, Away, A.
                    Leg Grab: Press Down + A + B.
                    Fatality move: Press Toward(2), Away(2), Start.
                    Sub Zero: Special moves:
                    Information in this section was contributed by AnDy2004CHS and
                    Freeze: Press Away, Down, Toward, A.
                    Slide: Press Away + B + C.
                    Fatality move: Toward, Down, Toward, A.
                    Hint: Fatalities:
                    Activate the "Enable blood" code to see the following fatalities.
                    Johnny Cage: Head Pop
                    Sub-Zero: Spine Rip
                    Kano: Red Heart Rip
                    Rayden: Electric Head Blower
                    All the buttons will be the same for these secondary fatalities.
                    Note: This will not work for Liu Kang, Scorpion, or Sonya. Also,
                    Kano and Rayden's fatalities have just a small change.
                    Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
                    For the Pit fatality, first activate the "Enable blood" code. Then
                    on the Pit stage, to finish your opponent, when close press
                    Forward(2), Uppercut. Your opponent will fall 40 feet onto a bed of
                    sharp spikes.
                    Information in this section was contributed by COYRAYTRU.
                    Hint: Liu Kang: Stage fatality:
                    Activate the "Enable blood" code and set the first background as The
                    Pit. Choose Liu Kang as your character and defeat your opponent in
                    both rounds. Once the "Finish Him" message appears, use his
                    Cartwheel Uppercut move (sweep D-Pad). The screen will turn dark,
                    then your opponent will fly sky high and fall into the Pit's bottoms
                    spikes, where you have to fight Reptile.

                    Vuota la mente. Sii senza forma, informe come l'acqua. Ora metti l'acqua dentro una tazza, e diventa tazza. Metti l'acqua dentro una bottiglia e diventa la bottiglia. Mettila in una teiera e diventa la teiera. Ora, l'acqua può scorrere e può sfondare. Sii acqua amico
                    B. Lee (1940/1973)


                    • #11
                      EHM GAruccio bello.. grazie per lo sforzo.. ma nn ci ho capito una mega madosca di niente si si sega mega drive rulez-.-


                      • #12


                        Vuota la mente. Sii senza forma, informe come l'acqua. Ora metti l'acqua dentro una tazza, e diventa tazza. Metti l'acqua dentro una bottiglia e diventa la bottiglia. Mettila in una teiera e diventa la teiera. Ora, l'acqua può scorrere e può sfondare. Sii acqua amico
                        B. Lee (1940/1973)


                        Sto operando...