Se non cerchi nulla di impegnativo come puo' essere ad esempio Star Ocean 3, prenditi Prince of Persia.....
Zender R. Velkyn
He had a cloak of gold and eyes of fire And as he spoke I felt a deep desire To free the world of its fear and pain And help the people to feel free again Why don't we listen to the voices in our hearts Cause then I know we'd find, we're not so far apart Everybody's got to be happy, everyone should sing For we know the joy of life, the peace that love can bring URIAH HEEP - THE WIZARD (DEMONS AND WIZARDS, 1972)
Naa *****cci non e' da gdr....fatti un capitolo della serie zone of the enders o appunto prince of persia o perche no un qualche bel platinum dei bei genere dipende da te ovviamente
On UOItalia(ho smesso purtroppo):
Ice Storm il ghiacciolo
Liu Bei l'isterico
Pesmerga l' che non vale una * in pvp XD
Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly senza ombra di dubbio!!!
Zender R. Velkyn
He had a cloak of gold and eyes of fire And as he spoke I felt a deep desire To free the world of its fear and pain And help the people to feel free again Why don't we listen to the voices in our hearts Cause then I know we'd find, we're not so far apart Everybody's got to be happy, everyone should sing For we know the joy of life, the peace that love can bring URIAH HEEP - THE WIZARD (DEMONS AND WIZARDS, 1972)
Originally posted by Sebastian di demon stone cosa ne dite?
Bello. Ben fatto. Caratteristiche gdr e aspetto action...
A me non e' dispiaciuto affatto.....
Zender R. Velkyn
He had a cloak of gold and eyes of fire And as he spoke I felt a deep desire To free the world of its fear and pain And help the people to feel free again Why don't we listen to the voices in our hearts Cause then I know we'd find, we're not so far apart Everybody's got to be happy, everyone should sing For we know the joy of life, the peace that love can bring URIAH HEEP - THE WIZARD (DEMONS AND WIZARDS, 1972)
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Vuota la mente. Sii senza forma, informe come l'acqua. Ora metti l'acqua dentro una tazza, e diventa tazza. Metti l'acqua dentro una bottiglia e diventa la bottiglia. Mettila in una teiera e diventa la teiera. Ora, l'acqua può scorrere e può sfondare. Sii acqua amico
Orribili. Lascia stare. Gli unici 2 giochi di calcio che si salvano sono PES e FIFA....e forse forse TIF....
Prenditi NHL2005...dicono sia uno spettacolo....
Zender R. Velkyn
He had a cloak of gold and eyes of fire And as he spoke I felt a deep desire To free the world of its fear and pain And help the people to feel free again Why don't we listen to the voices in our hearts Cause then I know we'd find, we're not so far apart Everybody's got to be happy, everyone should sing For we know the joy of life, the peace that love can bring URIAH HEEP - THE WIZARD (DEMONS AND WIZARDS, 1972)